Tuesday, March 17, 2020

things i've learned the hard way

On the top of the list is this:  Pride goeth before a fall.  I used to be prideful about a whole helluva' lot of things including the respect that I had through my parents.  To this day I'm still Billy and Janice's daughter and that makes me humble.  

Always leave room for compromise.  To mediate a dispute is to hear both sides of the argument.  This is particularly true for politics and is a glaring problem.  When we reach across the aisle, so to speak, we are offering to listen and come to a solution for the common good.  The problem is, some folks aren't even capable of seeing the other side due to a lack of empathy.  

Colostomy is a good alternative to dying.  Granted, they are a lot of trouble but you get used to it.  It took forever and a day to find a bag that would stay on me.  High five to the staff at Extendicare for sticking with me during those tough times.  I can't name them all because it would take all day.  I've seen just about every nurse on the staff, sometimes in the middle of the night.  

Pandemics suck.  I tend to view COVID-19 as a wakeup call concerning the infrastructure of not only healthcare but the entire country.  I shudder thinking that only several weeks ago I was in a nursing home and now they're on lockdown.  Visits from friends and family are what kept me going.  

This too shall pass, if we leave room for the spirit to work.  Hat tip to Billy Yates there.  Eventually all bad things get better.  Sometimes they get WORSE before they get better, but I digress.  I'm such a Pollyanna that I can see a silver lining to just about everything.  Maybe not right then, but I see it.  

Tribes are vital to well being.  I cannot imagine not having mulitple people to count on even if just for emotional support on the phone.  Bonds are made to be treasured when a friends or family memeber sticks with you.  I remember when I was threatening to come home from the rehab on night 1.  MB made an emergency visit to talk me out of it.  Everyone was scared I was going to just hobble out and get a taxi.  My daughter, bless her soul, supported me in whatever I decided to do even though it was with great concern and much caution.  At the time I had three dogs one of which can knock down a grownup.  That wound would have been torn wide open.  I decided to stay and tough it out because I knew in my heart I wasn't ready to go it alone.  During the weeks that followed countless people brought food, gave rides and otherwise supported me.  It takes a village.

Kindness is contagious....like a good virus instead of a sickly one.  Some people won't ever get that concept but I'm seeing more and more of it.  The 'gentral stores are reserving their first hour for the elderly.  And the first time I see some punk coming in there at 8:01 to get an energy shot I'll bust his or her chops.  Gaga don't play well with stupid people.

A messy house is a sign of either genius or ADHD...maybe both.  Mine is not nasty nasty but there's a lot of stuff. I pay more attention now to cleaning up behind myself where before I would just pitch things AT the garbage can.  I have some tables ready to sort through and except for the photo albums, it will be a done deal.  YEAH I know.  It's only been five years...snicker.

Climate change is real.  I heard it for years but am now convinced that we're headed for disaster globally if more folks don't grasp the science.  I'm assuming most of the deniers don't watch Bill Nye or Neil D Tyson.  Their loss and ours too.  Once again, you can't fix stupid.  You can medicate it and try to contain it but ultimately you have to walk away.  

Weed is not a drug.  It is a plant that can be used to cure people of a whole bunch of things and it has taken a lot of years of fighting by advocates to get this medicine available to folks outside of dealing with who knows what you're getting.  Regulate it and tax it.  Build more products with hemp.  Wood is a good starter.  The possibilities are endless.  I fully believe that big pharm is why it has taken so dang long.  They've already tried to get a piece of the pie.  I remember when Daddy was like totally freaking out all the time and my brother asked me about a drug call Marinol.  Turns out it is THC.  He never got it but I wish he had.  Mostly he stayed in a Seroquel stupor.

Well, I've rambled on enough about life's lessons...just a few of them.  More later kids.  As Trae says "Love you like chicken!"

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