Wednesday, March 11, 2020

god will provide

Here we are, knee deep in the wilderness that is Lent.  My home church is having a midday prayer service each Wednesday during the season.  Today's scripture was about Moses and the Israelites who were hammering him with questions about their thirst after they had already been provided with manna and crossed over from bondage safely.  All it took was for him to strike a rock with his staff and voila!  Water for everybody.  How often do we doubt the power of God instead of trusting.  I don't know about you, but I believe if we listen, He will answer.

It came a freakin' monsoon this morning and stopped just before I left for church.  By the time we got out it was clear and the sun was shining.  That is how quickly things can change.  When things are dark it is often hard to believe that life will ever be different.  During the time that me and the nurses couldn't get a bag to stay in spite of valiant effort, that is how I felt.  Through time and perseverance and a LOT of faith, a solution was found.  All during the trials I had to keep reminding myself that I was lucky to be alive.  I prayed the Serenity Prayer more during that hospitalization than ever in  my life.  God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change like the noise level and inability to sleep.   It got me through some seemingly impossible times when I thought I would lose what mind I had left.  God provided.t

I am extremely concerned about the mindset of this administration that Covid-19 is a democratic plot to undermine him.  Listen dude....even Dems don't have that kind of superpower.  His response is to ignore it and it will go away and it baffles me the number of people who buy that.  Claiming that he has more knowledge than scientists who have spent their lives studying is pretty lame.  Oh and by the way....somebody at Twitter PLEASE close his account.

I have a lot of things on my mind and there are decisions to be made.  I am prayerfully approaching them and watching for signs from above.  Learning the hard way, I don't make snap decisions any longer.  Some may call it procrastination or fear, but I take my time and look for the RIGHT time.  

Grace and Peace ^j^


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