Monday, March 23, 2020

ghost town

It is extremely eerie to see empty streets and parking lots where business is usually booming.  I had to go pick up meds and like many other places they are doing drive through only.  So is my bank.  The shady 'gentral was wiped out of toilet paper but they did have paper towels so there you go.  

I use a special kind of colostomy getup called convex.  I ran out of wafers so I had lotso bags but not the right kind of wafer.  So I went to Plan B which was the ones that wouldn't stay on.  And it still didn't.  As I was talking to the HH agency this morning about getting me some wafers lo and behold FedEx pulled up with just what I needed.  All in God's time.

I'm so used to staying at home that it's not a big deal to me.  I rarely go out to eat except for drive through and never shop for clothes.  If I can do it online, that's the way I roll.  Part of that is laziness and part of it is just hating crowds period.  I still have food that I got two weeks ago and it's in the freezer waiting to be cooked when the spirit moves.  And it probably won't be today!

I saw my dear friend Mary Beth behind me in the line at the pharmacy and we waved which about all anybody does these days.  Since nobody goes anywhere and restaurants have closed it has put a damper on our lunches.  Social distancing and all that.  Fine with me as long as I have internet.  If that goes, I'm in deep shit.  

I filled out my census form online today because I was told that the stimulus checks ( if they ever get through fighting ) will be based on that.  I am extremely disappointed in the Dems for holding this up even though I agree with them about the corporate bailouts.  It's time to reach across the aisle and take care of the little people.  Like me and you and your mama'n'them.  Lauren is off for at least two weeks with partial pay for an already slim budget.  I'll just leave that right there. And she is one of many who are feeling the effects of lockdown.  Bless ALL our hearts.  

Keep on the sunny side ^j^

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