Wednesday, March 4, 2020

alrighty then

Today was my first to get out and run a couple of errands.  That plus hauling the garbage can to the road about did me in!  The home health nurse came shortly after and pronounced me fit in spite of the high pulse.  We wrote that off to my activity level this morning.  Climbing the steps to my house is an aerobic workout in and of itself.  I see now why old folks can't navigate stairs.  

I either killed the outlet or flipped a breaker by running the microwave and something else so I have to investigate that.  It's time like those that I really miss having a guy around to help with the little things.  Being the other half of the rent would be nice too but I tried that one time and it didn't work too well.  Live and learn.

So, Bloomberg pulls out and backs Biden.  Bernie is just a hair behind Joe but still hanging strong because he didn't get ANYBODY's endorsement and is still there.  That speaks volumes, plus the fact that his campaign has been financed by individual small donations.  Fortunately I will not have to change my preference at the local convention Saturday.  

The death toll keeps rising in the Nashville area and there are a lot of folks still missing.  Prayers for some peace in a grueling recovery process.  My chuch is having weekly services during Lent and I passed on today but will go during the coming weeks.  Now that I have a car I can drive myself to church if I can manage to get my act together enough.  That comes and goes, ya' know.

I still see this as a big puzzle as to how I'm alive after almost dying twice in two weeks.  There must be a reason....some purpose for me that hasn't been revealed yet.  Recovery from the surgery has given me time to dwell on that as I rest.  Right now I'm just happy to be above ground for another day, as they say in the business.

Peace and love ^j^

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