Friday, July 31, 2020

more mask tales

I went for a few groceries at Kroger today and as I was coming out passed a couple with wife masked up and big heavy husband without his.  I politely told him that they would not let him in the store without it.  And then....he just motioned for his wife to go retrieve said mask from the car.  And she did it, just like that.  No words, he just pointed at her toward the car.  If it were me I would have said take your ass and get it but.....I am not very obedient.  Hah!  Must be why I'm still single.  

It's a nice day weatherwise, not nearly as hot as it has been.  I was outside yesterday evening pulling weeds off the siding when a wasp or something bit me on the head.  I've been bit a lot of places but never on the head.  I applied an ice pack immediately and it's nothing but a sore spot today but I was worried about it being so close to my face.  

I was in another store and saw something really sad.  A guy was trying to use a card and just didn't get it.  He explained that he didn't know what was on it because he found it in his late wife's purse.  He thought he knew the PIN but they just bypassed that for him considering the circumstances.  I believe he said she died in April.  Just, wow.

There is little bird that has been trying to build a nest on the transom window sills and it just keeps falling off.  She finally found a spot in a flower pot by the back door and there are three little eggs.  I look forward to seeing those babies match.  And if Mr. Snake comes around, he is dead meat.  

My friend Marti wrote a song about John Wesley long ago and we used to sing it togther.  I couldn't remember the lyrics but kinda' remember the tune so she will call me and coach on that.  It just came to her one day when she was running with a friend.  Who knows...maybe we'll sing it remotely to the world!

I have been a slacker with online ZOOM bible study lately.  A lot of that is that the people who are in that group are WAY smarter than me when it comes to the Bible.  I realize it's a learning experience but sometimes they get over my head.  

We have had another COVID death in Dyer County, about my age and married to an old friend.  Our kids grew up together.  He was an accomplished photographer among other things.  I am all about drinking water with electrolytes and take a magnesium supplment every day.  I don't want the fizz....just flavored water.  Electrolytes are a plus which is why I normally drink Propel but that's getting hard to find.  

100 days until the election.  The Senate and Congress are nowhere near a deal and the federal unemployment expires today.  I expect to see way more people standing in food lines.  Sad, but true.  It's all sad really.  At a time when our country is floundering both economically and pandemically, the administration is clueless.  Dr. Fauci said that the vaccine is in phase 3 of clinical trials and will consist of two injections.  I'm not sure I would go there but..

Y'all be merry and bright.  I have found myself humming Christmas songs lately which is nostalgia in action.  Christmas for me has been pretty much low key since my parents died.  Last year my brother and I ate at Huddle House, but I did manage to put on a Thanksgiving meal.  Who knows this time around?  

Reaves was with her Daddy last Christmas morning so it's Lauren's turn to be Santa this year.  I have become acutely aware that unless you are young enough to believe in Santa Claus, it's just a family gathering with no gifts required.  Except handmade, of course.

It has been almost 8 months since my "near death" experience.  There have been a lot of ups and downs but then everybody has those.  For the most part I feel healthy and while not strong, able to function well.  I am still not comfortable having the reversal surgery just yet, partly because of COVID.  We shall see what September and Medicare bring.  

Keep the faith kids.  Love ya' like chicken!

Thursday, July 30, 2020


And as John Lewis is eulogized today, Herman Cain dies of COVID which he got who knows where because he went to a Trump rally and a lot of other places here there and yonder.  I do not agree with his politics but I pray that his death will be a wakeup call for the country.  Anybody can get it at any time.  After ignoring the death of Lewis, I'm sure you know who will be full of thoughts and prayers for Cain.  That really makes me sad and scared of the division between parties.  

Us little people are drowning out here.  I have no doubt that the stimulus package will be held up until closer to November to make the current administration look good when they send out checks.  Honestly, I don't think we can last that long.  Oh, and he's trying to put off the election which he cannot do.  

As the days pass, the cases rise.  I am a scientist by trade and I believe in the facts as presented by medical specialists.  Except for that one gal whose name I can't and don't care to remember.  Me and the critters are quarantined for the rest of the day which is overcast with occasional showers.  The cat is biting my elbow and the dogs are sleeping.  I lead SUCH an exciting life.

Y'all be happy and healthy and wear your mask.  This is some serious shit ^j^

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

the joy of cooking

I have always loved to cook and am guilty of trying out things not knowing how they will turn out.  It's part of the magic, you see.   Mamye brought me a thawed whole chicken and some big ass squash yesterday and I proceeded to chop the squash with onions and make a casserole.  To die for kids.  I put the chicken in the crockpot for about 4 hours with broth and it is now browning in the oven with lemon juice and rosemary.  Who's yo' momma?

I went out to socially distance with some friends today and we were all talking to each other about the crises at hand.  I'm trying to get in touch with sista' to see if she wants this gigantic dog cage back which Ellie never used.  The only critter that ever crawled up in there was Reaves.  She thought it was funny, and in fact, it was.  We would tell her "you got in there, figure the way out!"  

The COVID is real whether you like it or not.  I will wear my mask if we are closer than six feet which doesn't happen often.  I step back in line and stand on the mark.  And I abhor the idiots who ignore the mask mandate.  I mean, stock up on hydroxycloroquine y'all.  It's supposed to be the miracle drug.

And about that doctor lady?  Demons and whatnot?  Let's focus on the public health problem at hand.  It will not go away until everybody gets on board.  If you can't stand to wear one, hire somebody to run your errands.  I'm really good at that and I wear a mask.  And I take cash.

Y'all have a wonderful hump day.  The camel keeps coming around whether we're working or not.  ^j^

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


That is how I would describe the heat about now.  I haven't broken a get your hair wet sweat in a long time but today was an exception.  I ran some errands for a client and hauled a TV to my car and that about did me in.  The television remains in the car, BTW.  I ain't up to hauling it up those big ass steps.  As I was stepping down Larry's porch and through the garden of eden I kept telling myself "don't drop it."  Yes, I am an old lady.  You will be too some day.  Or an old geezer.

So, the plan with said TV is to get an HDMI cable from my buddy Steve and biggify my laptop.  Because I'm an old lady and don't see too good.  All this teeny tiny stuff on a laptop wears me out!  That is why I type in bold and makes lots of mistakes on social media.  Ha.  If only that was all we had to worry about.

The Senate has presented their bill.  The most controversial piece is that unemployment benefits from the feds will go down by four hundred bucks.  I see both sides of this, actually.  I just hope this doesn't turn into a pissing contest on party lines when people need the help.   Maybe go from six to three.  Compromise people.  I know, I know.  There's a lot of defense spending hidden up in there which we all know about.  That we are at the point where we must expand military control concerns me a lot.  What does federal defense have to do with COVID?  I guess we will capture it with a blackhawk chopper.  Don't forget who stands to profit from this.  Like Blackwater, etc.  

Anyhoo....those are my thoughts on the current state of our union.  I am not happy and I think our healthcare infrastrure is stretched to the limit.  No, it's not going away, mostly because people won't wear masks.  When I was at Kroger today some guy tried to slip in through the exit door without one and me and the cart guy both told NOOOOO!  "I forgot it" he said.  I've had to make myself keep them in the car and still forget to put it on until I'm halfway in the store.  Geez.  I protect you, you protect me.  

Carry on with faith and hope ^j^

Monday, July 27, 2020

singin' in the rain

When the girls were here yesterday we had fun with the waterhose and while it was sprinkling Reaves, she was busy digging in a big pot of dirt singing "rain rain go away."  Little did we know that later the farm would experience a monsoon and a rainbow that lasted a very long time.  It was pouring down but the sun was shining so what did I do?  I went outside and played in it enjoying that rainbow until it disappeared.  I planted some coleus in that very pot where she had been digging.  And I just enjoyed the feeling of being showered upon.

Today's totem was a hawk which represents focus, strenth and support from the universe.  Plus a nudge toward leadership bringing positive outcomes.  Hey...I'll take it.  That plus the rainbow lets me know that I am in good hands in spite of troubles.  

I am looking for part time work again so y'all give me a holla' if you know of anything that could utilize my skill set.  Trust me, it is wide ranging.  I just can't handle anything physically heavy but other than that, I'm pretty good at most things.  I have been a personal shopper and errand runner for those who can't get out.  Plus I have an extensive background in healthcare and the knowledge that goes with it.  

Y'all keep looking for rainbows.  They are God's promise to all of us ^j^

Sunday, July 26, 2020


Bubba called to let me know that the nekkid ladies are in full bloom down at the cabin.  Mine haven't even started to appear yet.  They always remind me of when Daddy died five years ago on August 4th.  That probably has a lot to do with my recent sadness.  I don't dwell on it, I just let the memories and the tears flow.  The girls just left and we had fun in the waterhose.  

The two dog alarm went off and I was met by a masked Wayner at the door who brought me some books.  By grace, two of them are ones that I have read and wanted to read again by Melody Beattie.  She is the one who schooled me on co-dependency many years ago.  Well, she and John Bradshaw and Scott Peck.  I remember when I first read The Road Less Traveled and the light went on.  I saw Bradshaw speak once in Memphis and it was great.  I've always been a self help nut since I went into therapy in my early thirties.  

Some people say I think too much and sometimes I do.  I don't dwell on negative things but stretch the limits of my spirituality by looking to nature and the earth and random things for guidance.  I listen for the Holy Spirit.  

Today there will be no rant, only thankfulness for life and love^j^

Saturday, July 25, 2020

a good cry

It never hurt anybody.  Actually it is cathartic and cleansing.  I woke up sad today and commenced to do a full on ugly face cry.  I have an idea what prompted it, and fortunately my friends talked me through it. I am still grieving a lot of things that Celexa blocks until the moment hits when I remember the past and ponder the complexity of the future.  It overwhelms me at times, but that's normal I reckon.  

I haven't been out to the mailbox yet because I've been busy sorting through stuff and purging.  The walls are mostly cleared with important things neatly stacked and sorted.  I need to get some sage going shortly to advance this project of remembering the past.  It works.  

I'll be better tomorrow because it's another day and this too shall pass.  Y'all be blessed ^j^

Friday, July 24, 2020

the long and winding road

Picture this, if you will.  My husband agreed to drive 18 hours to Odem TX so that his Aunt Nez could see her sister.  We had Nez in the back seat with a bedpan and a two year old in a car seat.  I don't even remember the details except for the beach at Padre Island.  Lauren was a bit scared of the waves and such and just played in the sand.  She was little bitty.  I want to take she and Reaves to a beach somewhere but, alas, I am broke. Maybe someday.  If i get another stimulus check i will book the same bottom floor condo on Okaloosa Island. I really want this for us.  Time is short.  

We had a random shower today that keeps me from running the redneck hose. Sorry to ramble here.  I am searching deep into my soul for faith.  I talked with my pastor friend today and we caugt up with life as we know it.  Worship is still virtual which is not a bad thing in this day and time.  God's world will carry on.

I have been sorting through boxes of pictures and sharing them obviously.  Many will end up in the firepile.  It is cathartic to do that sort of thing.  Kind of like a serious sage burn. Which I think I will do now

Keep the faith ^j^

Thursday, July 23, 2020

livin' on the edge

I am so confused.  This whole deal with the insurance has me in an "i don't have a clue" mode about what to do next.  I am six weeks away from Medicare and it can't come soon enough.  I have had two different policies through the marketplace, one of which was terminated four days before emergency surgery.  That decision was appealed and I finally got a decision that I was indeed eligible as of January 1.  Except, umm, I was issued another policy on Feb 1 ( at zero premium ) which was cancelled when I won the appeal.  I have been notified by BC/BS that I owe them over 2000 bucks for coverage since the original policy was reinstated.  Some providers have filed on the new number and it got kicked back.  It is, in short, a hot mess.  I will have to be of clear head and sound mind to tackle all of this and I'm still a bit dizzy for some reason.

That being said, I'm still extremely grateful to be alive.  The money thing will all come out in the wash eventually.  I am happy and blessed with great friends and family and a strong faith.  My friends came by this morning with lotso' sweet corn for me which I totally appreciate.  Folks who share the bounty are my heroes.  I'm dying to make a squash casserole but my two plants just aren't producing very fast.  Neither are the 'maters.  The only things really thriving are the herbs.  

I was witness to a random act of kindness today that touched my heart.  I was at the shady 'gentral and a couple of kids were in front of me.  One boy dropped his change and didn't have enough to pay so the cashier, who also works with the school system, told him to put his money back in his pocket and she paid for his candy with HER card.  When I remarked how sweet that was she said "He's one of my babies."  And she told him not to ever call her mean at school again!  She also took the time to patiently explain that they needed to have their masks on properly because they will have to do it at school.  She admonished the guy in front of them for not having one on and schooled him on the hefty fine and or 11/ 29 that goes along with getting caught.  Some folks just don't get it.

Pay it forward, always ^j^

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

like mother like daughter

My mother was always one to question things when she didn't think they were quite right.  My inner Janice came out today and I called the corporate office of a chain store here in town to ask why they were serving customers in spite of the mask mandate.  She explained to me their side of the story and I was glad to hear it.  All they can do, she said, was to encourage mask use by offering them to people when they come in.  Hmm.  Well, I did get an answer at a corporate office so that's a plus.

We now have a brand new culvert on Pecan Lane which should help a LOT with the drainage problem at the end of the road. Plans are to tar and chip it soon.  That loose gravel is killing us!  I want to thank Jeff Jones and Bubba for giving us a heads up that we would not be able to get out this morning.  In this day and time being grounded for four hours is not a big deal.  

As soon as I could get out I delivered a cake to the church as a going away gift.  I had to refrigerate it overnight to keep the critters off of it.  Ellie once ate bites out of one that was cooling and waiting for icing.  Bad dog.  The recipient never knew that the dog ate some of his because I covered the hole with icing!

I don't know about y'all but I'm ready to just turn it over to Big Ernie.  The violence, the COVID, the protests......all of it. There is enough rebel in me that I would probably would be one of those moms getting tear gassed.  It sounds awful.  Think about it.  Do you really want Homeland Security scooping you up off the street in an unmarked van with no Miranda rights?

All in all, I still have faith that this too shall pass.  Not quickly or easily or neatly, but it shall pass ^j^  

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

be the miracle

Today's noon devotional was presented by my good friend Mark Hayes featuring the story of Jesus feeding 5000 with five loaves and two fish.  His point was that the young boy, who had very little to give was used by Jesus to perform a miracle for hungry crowds.  It was all he had, yet it was turned into more than enough.  If we all do this..the little things, in faith, miracles happen.  He mentioned that he had walked to the church from his office and it was then that I realized I saw him trudging to the church in the heat while I was on my way to a celebration of life. It's funny how those threads come together.

Charlie Whitnel was one of a kind, to say the least.  His friends and family shared stories and tears as his legacy was told by those who knew him well.  It was my first COVID era funeral but it was packed out and all were masked.  I hope I am remembered as fondly as he was.  

I picked up my hand crafted mask and walked the yard with Paige this morning and was amazing at what all she has growing.  She gave me a baby moon vine which I will desperately try to grow.  If it doesn't make it, I have seeds from Larry for next year.  

Mr. Holmes came back today and cleaned up the tree trimming stuff and it's amazing the difference in the view.  I am soooo ready for this corn to go but it's a long way out before the box disappears.  

Y'all be happy and healthy and stay safe.  We need each other and miracles now more than ever ^j^

Monday, July 20, 2020


Welp, today is mandatory masking day in Dyer County and I saw no more than a handful of mask wearers when the mandate is clearly posted.  Is it up to the store employees to ensure compliance?  That puts them at risk for being attacked by some wing nut anti-masker who doesn't understand science.  You just can't fix stupid.

I'm getting a kick from watching a guy in a bucket with a chain saw attack the trees that are keeping my driveway shady and wet.  It's amazing watching him move that thing around and plan his next move!  If you need tree work, he's your guy.  And he ain't no young thing either which makes it even more amazing.  You can tell he's good at his job.  

Another friend died and it just seems to keep on coming.  Trent was a long time public defender in Memphis until he retired.  That would certainly be a tough gig.  I admire folks who are in that part of the field.  They don't make much money and they never know what they will be thrown their way.  Jail is their second home.

We are, as a country, being driven apart by partisan moves in a time of crisis.  I do believe that is the plan.  Trump's little stunt in Portland will have consequences but why the HELL did it have to happen that way?  Let your peaceful protestors go for it.  If they are looting or destroying propery the locals can handle it.  They don't need Big Ike to do their jobs.  The protests here have been all peaceful with a very active police presence.  You never know when some redneck cracker will pull a gun or something stupid like that.

Little Ms Janie homemaker cooked hashbrown casserole last night.  I do believe that will become a staple for Christmas brunch.  My next dish will be quiche lorraine and triple chocolate bundt cake.  I'm gonna' make somebody a good wife someday.....

Y'all hang in there and keep the faith ^j^

Sunday, July 19, 2020

dang dawg

Ellie being Ellie eats everything within her reach.  I find  stuff chewed up on my bed all the time.  Evidently she thought the TV remote was fair game and proceeded to demolish it.  Her favorite thing to do is shredding toilet paper rolls which was a big problem when there was a shortage.  I found a replacment remote at Wallyworld for 7 bucks.  And I keep the TP up high. Currently she is sprawled out on the bed and Oscar is cuddled up in the recliner.  Who knows where the cat is!

I really have nothing to say today other than God bless us all.  If we don't get that fool out of the White House, we are all doomed.  By order of the county mayor, masking in public is mandatory as of tomorrow.  Good call Chris!  I ran into a guy who looks and sounds just like my brother at the 'gentral this morning.  He said "yeah, pretty huh?"  He told the clerk to give me a discount  In the parking lot he noticed my mask and asked if it was required to go in.  He had one in his truck but didn't put it on.  We both agreed that the mandate is a great move toward flattening the curve.  

It is hot as hades here again but then it's July so there you go.  Six months from now we'll be bitching about how cold it is. I made a new friend this week at Lucky Liquor who makes tie dye masks and she's holding one for me.  She has an old hippie soul like me.  I need another one because I'm wearing the same one all the time.  Lost my favorite yellow polka dot one somewhere.  I lose things all the time like keys and debit card.  Then I have to go treasure hunting to find whatever it is that I need.  Scattered, I tell you.  

Please be kind to each other.  The world is a scary place right now and we need to stick together.  In fact, all we need is love ^j^

Saturday, July 18, 2020

looking back

I love the way FB throws memories at us so we can relive the past.  I looked back today and found a post reminding me that two years ago today one of my dear friends passed away.  I was retired by then but me and her were in the trenches for a lot of years.  She is the one who called me with the news that my daddy had died.  We spent a lot of time around that break room table and all over the place doing eye rolls over some people's stupid.  I miss her a lot. Her legacy of kindness and faith lives on through the lives of her children and grandchildren.

That same year my friend Liz died the month before.  The older we live, the more we grieve the losses of friends and family.  I am now the elder of our family, so to speak.  I have one aunt left who is in her 80s, two younger brothers and a handful of cousins.  I'm not nearly as good as my mother was when keeping up the family history and what I know I learned mostly from her.  I tell Lauren stories now and then of times when she was too little to remember.  That is how family history is handed down.

I love telling stories and listening to those of other folks.  Lawd, the tales people have to tell.  Mamye told me she remembered seeing a KKK rally in the 60s that I never knew existed.  In fact I have never seen a suited up member in my life and I hope I never do.  It would get ugly REAL quick.

It is very disturbing to me that Trump sent federal troops to Portland when the locals plainly asked him not to.  They were in unmarked cars and scooped people up like garbage.  When the mayor tells you to go the hell away and you persist, that is a police state in the making.  It's all a political stunt anyway.  Just my opinion of a leader who likes to be in charge of the world.  Ditto for the move requiring COVID reporting to by-pass the CDC.  This will end up with lower numbers of cases which is what the POTUS is looking for because he's on a sinking ship.  And he's taking the rest of us with him on the Titanic.

I visited with friends yesterday, a couple of whom I haven't seen in years and got my little bit of Krogering done.  I am told that masking will be mandatory in Dyersburg next week.  We are trending up in cases which is the case with many parts of Tennessee.  We're kind of on the "roll of honor" of states with rising infections.  And still, folks don't think it's real.  Duh.  We opened up way too soon and here we are.  

Y'all be happy and safe.  And always remember who you are ^j^

Thursday, July 16, 2020

but then i'd have to kill you

I would never tell secrets that others have shared with me.  It always stays in Vegas with me.  Unless somebody wants to trade memories, I just enjoy my own.  I always adore talking about who was married to whom and how many kids they had,  I love kid pics to the moon and back.  

The blessing of social media is that we can stay connected and watch our friend's lives.  I wouldn't give you a dime for internet based celebrities except the funny ones.  I get my news in a fair and balanced way by reading a lot of different sources.  Our country is in crisis right now, and it's been heading downhill since 2016.  I blame this mostly on the Republican Senate which has eviscerated the law and started a war with the House.  And fired everybody who tried to tell the truth. This is not about our president per se.  It is about government control in an extremely disturbing fashion.  

We had a nice little rain and I still hear thunder to the south.  I picked a few green 'maters and squash and will try my best not to deep fry said veggies but dang they're good that way.  At my age cholesterol is the least of my worries.  I should hear something tomorrow from the insurance company about my hiatus in coverage,  Maybe there will be a payment plan or something,  

There are two granny smith apple trees in my yard that grew from little free saplings.  It has taken many years for them to mature and I don't spray them so there's a lot of dead ones in the driveway.  If you have a horse, come get them some snacks.

I will be forced to make a Kroger inside run because you can't ever know how those pickup orders will go.  If they have it, I'll buy it and freeze the rest.  My real reason for going is to get the ingredients for a going away cake for Will.  He wanted chocolate chess pie but he gets the triple chocolate bundt cake. I think they will all likey.  Passing the peace to you and yours ^j^

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

eat my dust

Pecan lane is currently under construction with a now and then grating of the rock that was laid some six months ago. It is impossible to walk on and drivingrisky.  I just made a run to the chicken store and of course the dogs wanted to get out and run that half mile.  I went very slow but both of them were invisible in that cloud behind me.  I'm hoping that this means tar and chip soon so that we can drive safely and walk without slipping.  On my first ER visit for the diverticulitis I almost met my maker due to loose gravel at the top of the hill.

So, winning the appeal wasn't such a great thing after all.  I am now without insurance until I pay 1900 bucks in back premiums to BC/BS.  Somewhere in the middle of all this mess I ended up with a 333 dollar premium that I did not know about until yesterday.  I called them because two providers told me I was not "eligible." Alrighty then.  I'll postpone the counseling and the surgery until Medicare kicks in.  I don't know what else to do.  Seriously. It's probably best considering the COVID.  

This is not a second wave but the end result of opening too soon to save Trump's economy.  Now he's trashing the CDCand Dr. Fauci.  He does NOT care about any of us, only himself.  I keep telling myself that "this too shall pass" but sometimes it's hard to keep the faith. Just saying

I give it all to God now, daily.  And should you.  He is the one in control and I think we are learning this the hard way.  The golden idols got a lot of wrath from Big Ernie back in the day and greed is sort of running things right now.  That is definitely NOT a good thing.

Wear your mask and carry on with faith ^j^

Monday, July 13, 2020

walking the yard

Me and my daddy used to do that all the time and it has carried over.  I walk my yard on a daily basis but also enjoy going to a friend's house and enjoying a tour with them.  Today found me at the home of Delores and Hu where there there are more flowers than you can count.  The ones I didn't recognize she identified for me.  This sweet black and white kitty from the neighborhood joined us and it was obvious he enjoyed our loving.  Delores told me where to find some coleus that needs to be cut back to I have three containers of cuttings that are in water to root.  Coleus reminds me of my grandmother Lottie.  

The world lost a friend to everyone yesterday.  My favorite story about Charlie is when we went on a church trip to Destin as teenagers.  Me being the paleface and visiting the beach for the first time in my life, I got burned badly and spent the remainder of the trip on an air mattress under a shade tree.  We were camping, of course.  One of the chaperones who shall remain anonymous taught us a phrase that was supposedly a cuss word in a different language.  Skippy hancho.  The other part of that memory is "toxon water blisters on chest" which is definitely what I had.  For years after, every time we saw each other we traded these phrases of a memory that most never shared.  It was our bond, so to speak.  Skippy hancho indeed, brother.  And toxon blessings in heaven.'s time to go walk the yard and see what's up.  Y'all keep the faith, remember who you are and wear a mask.  That stuff is dangerous.  


Saturday, July 11, 2020

rise and shine

My normal wakeup time is about 7 or 8 so I haven't seen a sunrise in ages.  This morning my eyes popped open at 5:30 and I was wide awake so I got to see the sun come up over the trees.  I didn't know quite what to do with myself so I went for a walk with Oscar and enjoyed the view that I know and love so well.  I noticed that Virginia creeper is crossing the road right across from where the kudzu is crossing so they're liable to be a battle there.  They both spread like crazy!

My friend Larry is kind of the animal whisperer and this gorgeous brindle boxer showed up at his house.  He had a collar but no tags.  He has been relentless with sharing and calling around but to no avail.  I went over to check him out this morning and he is to die for handsome.  We were looking up numbers for rescue operations while sitting in the garden of Eden when a miracle happened.  A neighbor's daughter was in town and saw the picture so she came over, took a look, and fell in love instantly so now he will have a forever home.  Another neighbor was jogging by and Larry hollered at her so we had a little community gathering right then and there.  Nice way to spend a morning.  

I was given several doses of Narcan and I have been spreading them around to folks hoping to save a life from opiate overdose.  Folks are very receptive and thankful for the gesture.  I keep one in my car and one in my purse at all times.  The last guy I gave one to this morning said "you mean we have opiates around here."  Oh honey.  Let me count the ways.  Heroin. Morphine. Fentanyl.  And on and on.  People who buy on the streets have no idea what they're getting or what it's cut with.   There is an uptick in overdoses in Madison county due to drugs laced with Fentanyl.  That is some powerful stuff and it doesn't take much.  

Lily cat is poised beside me just looking for something to knock off because that's how she rolls.  I'm sure she just wants attention but dang. Give mama a break.

Look for little miracles and rejoice when you see them like I did today.  God woke me up for a reason and I'm glad.  Of course I'll probably be in the bed by 6 but that's okay.  I have my own agenda which is pretty go with the flow.

Happy weekend y'all.  Bless you and your mama'n'them ^j^

Friday, July 10, 2020

the saga continuesI

I have an appointment for counseling online next week.  As we all know, I won my appeal with the Marketplace so my advocate called today to say that the number I gave her which was issued on Feb 1st is cancelled.  Alrighty then.  Evidently when they figured out that I was covered from the get go, they got rid of that 2nd policy and the big ass out of pocket.  Only nobody told me.  Sooooo...I called my friends at BC/BS to find that the original policy is now active.  This means I have to backtrack and let all providers know that the first policy number is now active and they can refile.  Lerd.  At least if I do the footwork I won't have to file a chapter 7 for medical bills.  Plus my brother will get the rest of his money back.  Win win, all the way around.  I was like a dog with a bone on that 

Today's devo was presented on the subject of fear.  She cited a lot of sources which I don't remember but the takeaway was "do not be afraid."  There was an acronym for fear which I won't repeat but you should check it out on our church's FB live.  Very inspiring!

I am (not so) patiently waiting for the veggies to get big enough to pick.  I do a twice daily walk to check for Mr. Hornworm and see how growth is going.  So far the squash and 'maters are booming.  The cucumber?  Not so much.  Lots of blooms and spreading but nada.  The plant is pretty in and of itself with those little yellow blooms.  I don't eat 'em anyway.  I just use them to put on my puffy eyes.  

I continue to paint on the front porch and am loving every minute of it because it is a labor of love for my grandbaby.  I'm  gonna let her take a swipe or two at it next time she's here.  Maybe add some stickers!  

Y'all be happy and blessed.  That's how I feel today ^j^

Thursday, July 9, 2020

one more nail in the coffin

I rejoice, as do many of you, that SCOTUS has ruled that Trump's tax records are fair game.  I would seriously hate to be the paralegal and or prosecutor sorting through all those loopholes, but it is a win for the American people.  I heard he went on a Twitter meltdown after, but then that's nothing new.  Any criminal charges against him will be waiting when he leaves office.  Ain't nowhere to hide buddy.  

I went for a little Vitamin D therapy this morning at the beautiful pool of friends.  When there was a quiet spell between golf carts, I found myself remembering yesterday's noon devo by a teen who urged us to pray whenever and whatever.  So I laid there in the sun on a float and prayed the Lord's Prayer.  There was no "we" or "us" as I was alone, but it was collectively for the world.  We need to pray about all this.  The closest hospital to Dyersburg that is capable of major surgery is at 90% bed and ICU capacity due to the COVID surge in and around Madison County.  When I had my emergency I could't even be transferred there because they had no pulmonology coverage.  It's a very sad state of affairs with our healthcare system.

As the bills mount, I am waiting for a formal resolution of my Marketplace Appeal so I can figure out what's what.  The sweetheart that I talked with at the appeals center actually told me congratulations on winning because she could see how long I had been fighting it.  They take really good notes.  I'm sitting on all of it until i get some advice on how to proceed's complicated.  Though they deemed that I was indeed eligible for coverage on Jan 1, 2020, I was issued another policy on Feb 1 where the girnormous out of pocket started all over again.  You see the catch 22 there?  Ayep.  I honestly do not see how anyone can navigate the healthcare system without one or more advocates.  I consider myself pretty knowledgable and I'm covered up in paper.  

I did something yesterday that I rarely do which is delete a couple of "acquaintances."   It was not because they are polar opposite of me politcally but because they have never once said anything nice or liked a picture of my cute kid or anything other than like something that is pro-Trump.  These are not friends.  They were not there for me when the going was tough.  The unfriending will continue, not because I want to have my beliefs spewed back at me, but because of the true definition of friend.  

FedEx delivered my colostomy supplies today and I have managed to get current with that provider as well as electric and even DL renewal.  I try to chip away at it as best I can.  All you can do is the next right thing.

Peace out kids ^j^

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

plan ahead

I had my route all mapped out this morning and Lowe's was the first stop.  I need more chalk paint and a few other things for some projects I'm working on.  I gotta' hand it to those folks...they know their stuff, row by row and if you can't find it?  They will.  I scooted on over to Mickey D's for a dolla' breakfast and then over to see my brother and drop off the rent.  Since I was in the 'hood, I dropped by the pharmacy and got my refill of arthritis medication.  

I talked to the election commision yesterday about voting by mail but you can't sign electronically so I stopped by there and filled out the form so that I can vote absentee in August.  Anybody over 60 can do that in the state of TN.  Now for today's big political back to school cluster.  The task force is mandating that schools re-open even among the recent surge in COVID cases.  News flash feds!  It's not YOUR decision but will be made at the local level by districts.  If they don't think it's safe, online learning will continue.  Most teachers would prefer that anyway.  It's a more up close and personal way of educating young people.  One of Pence's excuses was that kids who don't go to school don't get to eat or get mental health assistance.  How about we treat that problem at the source which is poverty.  

The rich will get richer, that's for sure.  Yet I am happy with my little world of avoiding folks and being at home, all the while writing my little heart out. I am blessed to have an air conditioner that works and food to eat.  Good friends and loving family.  In the end, that is what matters.  

If y'all need a kudzu bouquet I'll take your orders now.  Keep the faith ^j^

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


In case you were wondering, and I know you were, I feel like I've been rode hard and put up wet.  I'm talking worthless.  I do believe it's the heat and the whole crazy mess that is our world right now.  This will be an indoor and hydrate day.  Here is a really good reason to wear a mask.  I forgot to put mine on before going into the store where the spots are marked for safe distancing.  Some redneck got right up in my face while I was checking out wanting to put his four bucks in lottery on a gas pump.  Old girl told him after he stood in my face a bit that she didn't do lottery.  Talk about some hand sanitizing afterward!  Lawd.  I promise never to forget again.  

My new banking app is kind of hard to navigate and I found myself 9.50 in the hole this morning.  Thus, I commenced to counting change and asking my sweet cashier to help a girl out, apologizing in advance .  I did, however, have it bagged up by amount to make it easier.  The eagle poops tomorrow if the government doesn't take my SS and use it for something stupid like a wall.  Just saying.

I'm taking the meds as prescribed but my joints are sore and tight.  Probably because I spend so much time on the laptop and phone.  I never have learned to just relax and be....always doing something even if it's not urgent.  As Don Henley sang to me "Learn to be still."  I heard something go "bang" in the night when the washer was in spin cycle and I just prayed that it wasn't the iron skillet full of oil that I had fried squash and green 'maters in.  That was such a treat and the first of my crop.  Fortunately it was just a dollar store casserole dish that fell and broke.  I'm such a procrastinator I walked around it for two hours this morning.  All is well now.  

I remember Dr Algee telling me that the number one hazard for elders is falling.  I am becoming acutely aware of what is in my path and moving it because I can't afford any more incidents.  That one with my butt about did me in.

So now that you know all about me, I pray that you are having a blessed day and shining your light on others.  Lord knows, we all need to stick together ^j^

Monday, July 6, 2020

be the light

I just did another FB live devo at the church complete with props and bad singing.  Hey...Jesus loves me anyway!  I got twisted on the ending of "this little light of mine" of all things.. I have known it by heart since childhood.  The scripture that it was based on came from 5:14-16.  "You are the light of the world."  Indeed you are as we ALL can be if we put aside petty differences and show the love of God in our words, actions, faith and hope.  I have been in the darkness many times.  Living in the country I am accustomed to the power going off but I have a lantern that Mamye gave me to light the way when that happens.  I have been in that dark place of the soul where all seems hopeless.  Others have shone their lights on me during those times and brought me grace.  I am grateful for that and so much more.

Mayberry's crew took on the poison ivy for me today in spite of the heat.  It's a rough time to be weedeating and mowing.  Or spreading asphalt or anything that requires manual labor outside.  Y'all stay hydrated.  I have learned to love ice water, especially Propel which has electrolytes.  Kroger was out of my favorite Mandarin Orange but I did score some asparagus this time around.  

So the COVID keeps on spreading with no regard for income status.  I have heard that Trump is the bogeyman once again by being in cahoots with big pharma over the drugs used to treat.  Nothing surprises me anymore.  Nothing.  

Y'all let your light shine and share it with others.  Especially the least of these ^j^

Sunday, July 5, 2020

i am a wimp in the heat

My hat is off to all you folks who work out in it all day.  One or two hours kicks my butt.  Me and the girls had lots of adventures today beginning with a swim at Doonie's house and continuting on to the sprinkler where she watered my garden.  And us.  Then we ate and painted and chased Lily.  By then she was delerious and of course, never wants to leave.  Poor thang didn't know what she wanted she was so tired.  

We did a little learning about light at the roundtable and she actually helped me with a visual for an upcoming devotion.  She could not understand why the light wasn't bright when the battery powered ones were.  That's where the magic came in.  She used the tiny LED flashlight to put light on that light bulb that couldn't shine.  And the light went on in her little eyes.  I showed her pictures of her mommy as a child and her grandaddy.  She remembered them all when we went back and looked.  "Who's that?" she asked.  It melted my heart and made me grateful that my mother was a camera nut.

It's on with me and the hornworm and if I can ever find him, he will burn.  So far he's only been on one of four plants but I know how those things take over.   I showed Reaves the baby squash and tomatos and she smelled lemon balm.  

In clarification of what I posted yesterday, I believe in the power of peaceful protest.  I do not believe in destroying property in the name of peace.  I detest violence in any form or fashion but when it comes down to it, I would kick somebody's ass in a heartbeat or cut a bitch if they hurt my family.  My neighbor has a new gun and I'm a gonna' ask her to teach me how to shoot down in the holler.  I believe in the right to bear arms in the hands of properly licensed and trained citizens.  Also for hunting.  But no automatics kids...geez Louise.  Have we not learned our lessons on mass slaughter of innocents?  

I will not give politics the time out of my day to comment.  The media and most of America have gone face down in it.  I have faith that God is at work in more ways than one here.  And I believe in the power of the mask and social distancing.  It ain't rocket science.  

Y'all be well and blessed.  And remember who you are ^j^

Saturday, July 4, 2020

hotter than than the 4th of july

I have a lot of July 4th memories but one stands out among all others.  My neighbor Nelson Mitchell needed to go to a nursing home because Margaret was long gone and he had some problems. His sister Annie Laura asked me to do the honors of transporting them to Lake County.  It was hot and humid and the tiger lilies were in full bloom.  Sweat dripping off of bodies and windows.  She packed a small bag and then we took that man away from a place where many memories were made.

Nelson used to cook pork in an underground pit that took all night.  He was a fixture in my life as a child and so was Margaret.  Heck...the whole family.  Years after that we gathered at Mozella's house for a feast of everything grilled and home grown.  I always took my parents and they loved every minute of it.  Mozella was our mayor, by the way.  I have pictures of all that, Lord only knows where they are, of days past.  But these things live on in my mind as long as I have it.  We were a perfect storm of  " i love you always."  

The irony is that the family on that side of the road was African American and we were white as Europeans.  Both lands were deeded over to heirs and it stretches a long way down Samaria Bend.  It is where I grew up and became who I am now.  Mozella came to Daddy's funeral and sat with the family.  Mom was in a wheelchair then.  It's all a blur.  But I remember who I am.  That's good enough for me.  

My brother Bubba set fire to the cotton trailer across the road with the baby boy inside.  That would be Tommy.  That was very traumatic, I'm sure, but he survived it and lives to tell the story to his own kids.  This is what community is about.  Daddy always had a garden and everybody shared the produce.  Lord knows, Mama spent many a hot July night canning and preserving.  

My point is this.  Why can't we do that now?  Why does everybody have to get all pissy and pull down statues and flags.  These are history that should never be forgotten, and this is coming from a demolibard,  Without reminders of what was we forget how it all went down.  So you want to be PC?  Don't send people to rallies where the cops have to be on standby to avoid violence.  Just stay home and enjoy the day.  I mean, really.

I may never have a surgery to reverse the poop situation.  But I will do EMDR to deal with it.  It all depends on that virus.  And please....somebody please.  Tell Melania that was the most hideous dress ever.   Reaves could have done that with a Sharpie

That's all kids.  Let freedom ring!

Friday, July 3, 2020

independence day prep

As usual my first go to was the 'gentral and it was there that I noticed I had a grasshopper riding on my window.  He went to  the fireworks store with me and even over to Pig'n'Out to get ribs.  He is a good totem to have meaning to take a leap of faith and all outcomes will be positive.  I'll take it!

It amazes me how may people recognize you even with a mask on.  I ran into a couple of guys at the bbq place and both knew me in spite of the masking.  Of course nobody had one on at any of the places I went except for me.  I have heard that masking is now mandated in Madison county which is gonna' piss a lot of people off and make a lot of money for the county in fines.  So be it.  If you are going be non-compliant, that is what happens.  It could be worse.  You could be on a ventilator and I can tell you from experience that is NOT fun.  I had to be sedated with Propofol to calm me down.  

I missed not one but two Zoom meetings yesterday because I let the time get away from me and was otherwise occupied.  The girls will be here Sunday and I'm saving the ribs for that after we swim.  Plus sparklers!  Reaves will be tickled.  

Y'all be happy and safe.  And keep the faith ^j^

Thursday, July 2, 2020

race to the finish

Well, I thought I had seen it all until I spotted a Trump2020 car that will run 8 Nascar races. And who is the sponsor?  None other than some Republican super PAC.  Way to use those donations guys.  I see the logic.  Sponsor a fast car in the months prior to the election and try to win.  Like win YUGE.  I would be scared to drive that car personally fearing that it would pull a Big E on me  Or get run over by the pack.  Many trumpsters ... not all, are NASCAR fans so he's kind of preaching to the choir.  

I wore my controversial shirt to the store today and nobody even noticed.  I can't wait for some cracker to get in my face and I can call the law.  I was all masked up as usual and saw none other than mine.  I just do not get it.  Here's a tip y'all: if you do not do it voluntarily it will be mandated and cost you some money in fines.  And please don't bitch about your constitutional rights.  This is a global health emergency where Europe has declined to accept any travelers from the US.  Yes, that's how bad we're dealing with it.  Testing labs are now way backlogged due to the surge that followed opening up bars and restaurants.  And the most God awful thing I read about today is a contest among young folks in Alabama, of course, to see who can get it first.  Jesus H.  They are purposely infecting people like a rite of passage into a secret society.  Oh, but there's a pool of money involved too for the winner/loser.  

I have nothing on the agenda for today.  Tried sitting on the porch but it was so humid I gave it up.  The air is thick and heavy and yesterday I heard the cicadas warming up.  I will be hitting up the fireworks store to get some sparklers and roman candles which is all I care about.  I think we all take for granted the meaning of Independence Day.  We are a free country because we fled from and fought the British over several issues, one of which was the Church of England.  In many ways we are still fighting that fight even though the US constitution clearly mandates separation of church and state.   Let that sink in.

So here we are in the land of the free and home of the brave.  I love this country and what we stand for.  But I am also a rebel who will take the bait every time somebody steps on my rights.  I know what they are.  So should you.

God bless America ^j^

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

little happies

I set out on morning errands and from the get go knew that it just wasn't to be my day to catch a break.  I left my ID at my client's house and had to go back to town to get it.  Stopped for gas and the cap rolled under the car ending up with me on my hands and knees in that nasty ass parking lot.  Then I forgot the ice I had bought and had to turn around to retrieve.  On a side trip I went into Buff City and got sale soap.  Plus a reward buck!

But you know what?  That's little petty stuff that doesn't amount to a hill of beans.  People all over are hurting and grieving loss after loss.  Two of my old friends died this week.  I had not seen either of them in years but have fond memories.  I remember for my 50th birthday Toby rigged up the pontoon so the girl tribe could take me out on the lake.  And Rodger was host to many a brain fry which was a famous local event held in his Dad's barn.  Wayyyyy back in the day, mind you.  

We were wild and free back then, now knowing what was in front of our generation of baby boomers.  The COVID thing that many people claim is a hoax is running rampant.  But for the most part, the 80s were boom time for America.  Until the big crash.  

It makes no sense whatever to me for folks to play the market but then I'm a simple kind of gal living on a fixed income.  I was enrolled in a 403b at one time but had to take a loan out it and then pay ridiculous taxes.  Never once did I consider the 401K of my last employer.  Their stock went from a high of 60 bucks to about four dollars last time I looked.  I have no dog in that fight anymore thankfully.  

My mailbox is full of collection notices from the surgery and I'm trying to wade through all of that.  I mean, I have nothing for anybody to take.  Seriously.  Well I guess they could seize my dogs and cat.  We had a downpour yesterday right after I watered the garden so it should be good for a bit.  A friend brought me by some fish he had caught and others dropped by a visit.  It was a good, full day.  

Let's all make an extra point of being nice to others.  If you practice, it becomes habit.  You don't know what the hell the person next to you is going through.  Be polite.  Social distance  Wear your damn mask!  

That is all.  Peace be still ^j^