Friday, March 6, 2020

jesus in the house

One of the questions that I was asked following my near death experience was if I saw Jesus in the room.  I'm sure He was there but I didn't spot him in the corner or anything.  Nor did I see a bright white light.  The only otherworldly thing I remember was loud Vietnamese chanting in the ICU room next to mine and that was pretty surreal.   Another time when my oxygen got low in a regular room, I had a wild dream about my friend Rachel as I listened to the IV sounding like a slot machine.  I didn't sleep more than an hour for that entire week, and not much more at the rehab.  It's all a big blur.  I appreciate every good night of sleep I get now.  I even googled how long you can live without sleep!  

I have (somewhat) organized the paperwork from that experience into recognizable piles and am still dealing with the marketplace appeals center for a decision on my case.  I found out two days prior to the emergency that I owed 1300 bucks for January and Gigi filed an appeal after my brother paid it.  Like the guy told me on the phone today, I've been dealing with this for two months.  Jumping through hoops, so to speak.  I guess that's a way of life for everybody when it comes to healthcare.

So, Trump is going to cut our "entitlements" even though he promised not to.  The man talks out of both sides of his mouth according to whom he is speaking.  A lot of politicians do that in both parties but he's the master.  His supporters disrupted a Bernie rally in their latest attempt to spread hate.  Nazi my can kiss mine.  One thing is for sure, these cuts won't be made pre-election because his party would turn on him big time.  Everybody will.  Don't mess with the money we have paid in over the years.  It's ours!

Which brings me around to the crisis which is access to healthcare.  Our country is one of the greatest in the world yet cracks in the infrastructure are appearing daily.  For profit healthcare is not a good model but even non-profits gouge patients.  I have worked for them all....county owned, not for profit and for profit.  The bottom line is the same.  Most medical practices are now owned by giant healthcare systems. While I am forever grateful to Baptist Health for saving my life, I am shocked at the cost as a retired individual.   This is why people keep working until they die.

Okay, rant over.  I am not the only one who feels frustrated by any means.  We have no voice really.  The whole thing is run by big pharma and big insurance so we are powerless...pawns in a big corporate game.  That being said, the sun will come up tomorrow.  


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