Sunday, March 31, 2019


Today has been one of my most favorite in a looooong time.  The weather was nice as I cruised down 412 to Jackson.  Sunday traffic is always lighter. I arrived just a few minutes before Reaves did and we played while Lauren went to a meeting.  She actually sat in my lap and I read not one but two books to her.  I should have been an actress because I can make those pages come to life.  We sang and danced.  She was in a wonderful mood.  When Lauren got back the three of us plus TT headed to "eat mexicans."  Lauren asked if that sounded racist?  No racism intended by the way.  Reaves would have nothing to do with food and didn't want the high chair so she sat in the booth with us and visited with the two guys at the next table.  A lot.  In true toddler fashion she pitched a couple of packets of sugar their way.  They took it well and we scooted out quickly.  By the time we got to the apartment she was out like a light.  

Late yesterday afternoon I noticed the first bird to find my feeder outside the bathroom window.  This morning it was covered up with different types waiting in line.  Lots of tiny ones.  A couple of female cardinals.  I'm sure word will get around.  The Lenten journey continues.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it ^j^

Saturday, March 30, 2019

writers block

As we all know I am rarely at a loss for words.  I've been working for a month on a piece for a real publication involving multiple stories.  I have emailed, called, instant messaged and otherwise stalked the subjects of this piece.  I have the information I need yet I have only completed two sections out of five.  The problem is my lack of tech knowledge to integrate all the various ways that I have gotten the information.  It's there I'm sure.  I just don't know how to use it.  I need a personal class on how to use what's there to get to where I'm going.  

And SNL is back!  Of course I don't have cable but I can damn sure watch it tomorrow.  Man do I love to laugh.  I was watching Monk earlier today and just KNEW that I recognized the voice singing the intro.  It was Randy Newman.  Small world.

While juggling several projects, which is my nature, I'm trying to stay focused on one at a time.  Up close to the top of the list is retrieving two pieces of furniture that were given to me.  Gotta have a truck and two guys.  My old ass would be zero help.

Smile and be grateful.  There is something good in each and every day.  You just gotta find it ^j^

Friday, March 29, 2019

march madness

It was a normal work day for me and my 39 year old husband called in because he "didn't feel right." He never called in, ever.  After I got to the hospital I consulted with an ER nurse and mentioned heartburn and she advised me he didn't need to be alone.  I called him from work and told him I was coming home.  He said it was getting worse.  By the time I got here he was laid out on the bed clutching his chest and moaning.  I loaded him up and headed for the ER with him kicking the dash in pain.  Ran a few stop lights too.  He was pleading with me to hurry up.  

We arrived at the ER and they took him straight back for an EKG which showed a widow maker.  Tomb stones.  The doctor and nurse on duty ( who would later become my sister in law ) explained to me what had to be done.  In those days it was called Activase.  By the time he was loaded into the helicopter his EKG was normal.  He was flown to Methodist North and put in ICU but couldn't have a cath that day because he was loaded with anticoagulants that saved his life.  The next day he had the cath but no stent was put in place.  After that we were put in a room way up high where we watched the semi-finals of  the NCAA championship.  He developed a UTI and was kept an extra day.  By the time we got home, the hostas were up.  

Around 50% of these procedures end up with early closure if there is no stent.  He was one of those.  In May we returned to Methodist North where the whole thing was repeated, this time including stent placement.  He was back at work in two weeks.  I remember all this just like it was yesterday though the year was 1997.  It's funny how the hostas brought all this back to me in living color.

I've been down at Mozella's house digging up hosta and peonies for transplant in my yard.  The house will be burned as a practice exercise by the Fowlkes volunteer fire department sometime in the near future.  There are two pieces of antique furniture that I will be blessed with as soon as I round up a crew to move.  Busy busy!

Y'all be careful out there.  Wasps are everywhere :)

Thursday, March 28, 2019

opening day

All players, coaches, bats and mitts rejoiced as baseball season officially opened.  I'm not a huge fan because like football it moves kind of slow.  Basketball, on the other hand, is my thing especially during March Madness.  UT is still in the running set to play Purdue next.  That's your number 2 and number 3 seeds on the court together. Should be an interesting game.  The Vols barely won last week after losing a large lead and going into OT with Iowa.  It was nerve wracking!  

I had planned on a visit to Jackson tomorrow but decided to listen to my body which is bone tired.  I'm fortunate enough that I can keep up with Reaves via FB and phone but it's just not the same as being able to drop by.  We have almost zero time together with the 3 of us because when I go I stay with Reaves while Lauren does what has to be done.  I'm missing them more and more each day.  We're scouting out an affordable couple of days close to home where we can be together and make memories.

One thing that I have learned this holy season is that Lent is not always about giving something up.  Sometimes it can be incorporating ways of thinking and improving mankind.  Learning to be a servant, so to speak.  That's tricky for a CoD like me and I've learned the hard way about boundaries.  

I'm feeling sort of wistful right now half on the verge of tears and somewhat fatigued.  I've upped my physical activity a LOT so I suppose it's the winter to spring passage.  My Vitamin D is probably way low like everybody else's.  

The flip flopping in Washington continues as Trump vows to stop Betsy's cut to the Special Olympics.  That would be particularly unpopular and he doesn't need that right now.  It is time for her to follow the rest of them on out the door and get someone who has experience in public education.  As for the rest of it, one day at a time.

Rest easy dear ones ~

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


I am totally enjoying the brevity and casual atmosphere of our Lenten services each Wednesday at noon.  I sat up front to get the full effect with less distraction.  Right before the service began an elderly gentlemen that has been a part of my life since before I was born took the front pew.  He was in my parents' wedding!  I told him who I was and I think he knew.  Sometimes minds get foggy.  

Our pastors Will and Dakota led a very spiritual and uplifting service and afterwards I was able to have a short conversation with Will about our mutual concern for a sister church.  It's the first time we've actually had a real talk,  Super guy as are Dakota and Ed.  I will always miss the ones who came before them but that's the Methodist way.

No politics today.  Period.  I went by mayor Mozella's house to scope out what flowers I want before they torch the place.  Even though it's falling in, it stands as a testament to a lot of fun, food and family.  And of all things, there's a big patch of turnip greens growing in the carport!

Learn to be still ~

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

bada boom

I did not expect for Mueller's report to conclude that Trump was guilty of collusion.  From the brief summary released by AG Barr there was no evidence of that " yet he was not completely exonerated from obstruction of justice" according the report.  Ya think?  While Republicans are doing the happy dance and feeling all bold and righteous, they are putting millions of us at risk by trying to repeal the ACA.  Thus, Kavanaugh holds the ace, so to speak.  It's akin to trying to overturn Roe v Wade which has been in place since I was a teenager.  I think what bothers me the most is the way they're back to Hillary bashing.  Helloooo people.  She is no longer a player.  Let the past be for the history books.  Trump will be his own un-doing and most likely the charges will be criminal and have little to do with the White House.  

I was reading today about the top ten richest people in the country, three of which are Sam Walton's bunch.  Yeah...the ones who pay minimum wage and buy everything from China thanks to NAFTA.  Just so you know I'm not blindly liberal, I blame that catastrophe on Bill Clinton's watch.  So there's that. 

I believe that as a nation we should focus on a handful of important issues.  Climate change is one.  So are healthcare and public education.  If the ACA is repealed, I will have no health insurance unless I qualify for TennCare, which I probably do.  I get it that people were pissed off to be forced to have insurance.  If you're young and healthy and have the means to shop walk in clinics, I can see why you are mad.  Just remember, you won't always be young and healthy.  The ACA assures that you will be covered in spite of pre-existing conditions of which there a brazillion.  Private insurance has the power to not take you on as a "customer" because of that pesky thing called the patient mix ratio where they balance out the well and the not so well so they can still make money for their shareholders.  Just remember, it's all about the money.  It's the front line care providers that care about you.

The dogs were going nuts and I didn't get up and they continued to go ape shit so I stepped on the porch to find some guys replacing trees that died last year.  Thank you corporate.

Tomorrow is lunch and Lent day.  Keep the faith ^j^

Monday, March 25, 2019

drunks and idiots

It has been said that the good Lord takes care of both.  Lately I have done my share of idiotic things none of which involved alcohol.  Everywhere I go I leave something like my purse or phone or keys.  Yesterday I stopped at the Dock where I'm called Mama by the owner Mike.  We were discussing the Holy Holy day for Hindus that was last week and he explained it's where they all run around and paint each other.  I paid with cash from an envelope in my purse and went on my merry way.  When I got home, the envelope was nowhere to be found.  I searched high and low and even walked the yard where I was working yesterday to see if it fell out of my pocket.  I tried to call the store and they were closed. I didn't have Mike's number because of the losing all my contacts thing.  It was a nice chunk of change and I assumed I dropped it in the store parking lot and somebody won the lottery without buying a ticket.

This morning I went up there and talked to the clerk who remembered me paying in cash and knew who came in right behind me.  She promised to tell Mike and to ask the customer after me if he saw anything.  As I was getting into my car I heard her calling my name as she ran across the parking lot.  Oh happy day!  I had left it on the counter and it was in Mike's office she just didn't know it.  I hugged that gal like she was my own child and thanked God all the way home.  Then I called Mike and thanked HIM.  I seriously need a keeper.  

Last night I shut all the blinds and doors with the intention of sleeping 'til noon yet I woke up around 8.  Ellie spent the night outside for a change so the bed wasn't as crowded as usual.  She's as big as a person and takes up a lot of room.  She's most definitely my "therapy" dog.  

Y'all have a great week and remember to love everybody, even the ones who make you mad.  ^j^

Sunday, March 24, 2019


I was a 14 old hippie wannabe when Woodstock happened yet it made a tremendous impact on me.  I'm not saying that I would have lasted 30 minutes in the crowd but it was a pivotal moment for me, especially regarding Vietnam.  Up to that point all I knew was what I saw on our black and white TV but this festival brought my attention to what we were fighting for.  Which was nothing.  I was at Cracker Barrel today and surrounded by all that beautiful fru fru stuff, I chose a Woodstock  t-shirt.  Old hippies never die.  

I spent a big chunk of time yesterday working in the yard.  I usually stay on top of the limbs even in winter but there are still plenty to put on the pile.  I stopped by a baby shower for my cousin's daughter in law this afternoon and got to hug some necks I haven't seen in a very long time.  

Still waiting to see what Barr is going to do with this massive two years worth of investigation.  There are not expected to be additional indictments in the report itself, but the work is continuing with Mueller's team.  It should be interesting.  

If it bleeds it leads as they say in the new business.  I am so not that kind of writer.  That's why I choose to share myself with a select few because it's not a "job."  The late Sue Dean Johnson gave me a book years ago entitled "Meet the Methodists" which is a cool history of how the UMC grew out of the Church of England.  One of the early names for one of those many groups and societies was Bible Moths.  Small world.

Y'all keep doing what you're doing if it makes you happy.  If not, change your outlook and manifest peace ^j^

Saturday, March 23, 2019

lab life

No, I'm not talking about that one I left behind at the hospital.  I'm speaking of the one and only perpetual puppy named Ellie.  I found one of my flip flops dangling in the azalea bush this morning.  Not a clue where the other one is!  I've been picking up sticks and limbs and burning as I go.  She drags them around on occasion and flips over the food and water bowls just for fun.  I wouldn't take a million bucks for her.  I found my limb cutters so it's time to get rid of the vines before they really take off.  One of my biggest enemies is trumpet vine.  It's a struggle to keep the Virginia creeper off the back porch.  

After a couple of years of straw bale gardening I've decided to change plans this year.  I would really like a raised bed but can't build one so I'll come up with plan B.  Last year nothing did well.  I didn't have a ripe tomato until August.  Strange weather and whatnot.  We discussed today about not planting until after Good Friday.  That sounds reasonable to me but I always jump the gun.  Not this year buddy.

I see the prez is (hiding out) playing golf at his Florida estate.  Hopefully he will give up tweeting for the weekend, but I doubt it.  Mueller's work is done.  It's up to, I mean decide what comes next.  This can escalate pretty quickly to the SCOTUS and it will probably take that.  Bring it on.  I imagine there are a whole lot of booties on the line.  

The final super moon of the year has been glorious.  I woke up during the night with light filtering over my bed full of quilts and dogs.  It's what I imagine heaven would be like.  

Stay diligent for opportunities to do unto the least of these.  That's the whole lesson of life in a nutshell.  ^j^

Friday, March 22, 2019

the lent he needed

I have followed author Chuck Sigars for years and he, in fact, has been one of my mentors though he probably doesn't know it.  His style of writing is pretty similar to mine in that we take a thought and run with it allowing little bits and pieces of our lives to be shared.  In his blog today he outlined the challenges that his family is facing right now, not that they have been short on them in the past.  He finds himself in a sea of doubt while trying to do the next right thing and setting boundaries.  That is a very tough thing to do.   

One of the things that any good blogger will do is to refrain from regular ranting and whining.  People don't want to read that shit.  What they really want is that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with looking into somebody else's soul when it's at peace and even when it's not.  March 7th marked my one year anniversary as a retired employee of corporate healthcare.  It has take me an entire year to scramble around, sleep for days on end and start to spread  my wings.  I was worn out physically and emotionally.  

When I think about the miracles of the past few years I remember just asking God to take it.  And you know what?  He certainly did.  Or She.  The way things are going for the government and us there's more chaos to come.  You think that's what hell is like maybe?  All bickering and anger and throwing into the fiery pits.  

I was having a conversation the other day with someone about whether the people in heaven can see what we're doing.  I never thought about it but she said " why would they would want to see how we're suffering!?

Lent is to Easter as is Advent to Christmas.  Seasons of anticipation and believing that there is a loving God.  Paraphrasing the words of the late John Kilzer " I'm gonna love you and ain't nothing you can do about it!"


Thursday, March 21, 2019

the trickle out effect

I'm seriously working on a piece involving midsouth musicians of which I have met personally exactly four.  One of my oldest friends in the world will be featured along with others that I've met along the way to becoming a groupie.  It has truly been a labor of love with a lot of heartache right smack in the middle.  

Another day another dolla' praise be!  The more I think about the whole Gilead thing I think we might be living there right now and just don't realize it.  Something's gotta' give.

My forsythia and quince are in bloom and jonquils are loaded with buds.  I think the narcissus along the front got mowed too early last year so ummmm.  So far it's nothing but weeds but I have a feeling Mayberry will be showing up soon.

Y'all be nice, please?  

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

the word

Our church is holding weekly prayer sessions on Wednesday at noon during Lent at noon.  After making a couple of stops to visit Lorna at The Mill and buy a baby shower gift I headed for the chapel at FUMC.  There was a group of young women sitting together up front and I spotted the T-shirt right away on one of them containing the scripture from Luke 3:11 where John was replying to a question from the crowds who were there to be baptized about what they should do next.  " Whoever has two coats ( or shirts ) should share with anyone who has none and whoever has food should do likewise."  My eyes kept going back to that shirt and to our surprise the minister referenced that EXACT passage in his words.  This young lady was touched beyond belief knowing that she had that scripture on her back.  That's God in action right there.  There were numerous prayer requests, one by the minister for the congregation of St. Johns UMC on the loss of their beloved John Kilzer.  His death has hit a lot of people hard.  I will think of him and all the other saints who have gone before me during this Lenten season.  

My friend Carol is flying to Texas to see her brother tomorrow so we had a quiet goodbye lunch prior to her departure.  She was nervous as I would be.  Be safe ya!  The rest of our usual lunch bunch was otherwise occupied.  I even had leftovers for supper.  I love it when that happens.

The clock is ticking so to speak.  I just wish we knew what's coming but then nobody does but the one above.  Whatever it is, I feel sure it will be a test of faith.  

Rain is on the way *again* so the wheat is getting a good dose of something today.  Those ginormous sprayers are a sight to behold.  This place will be crawling with farm equipment until November. 


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

the odd couple

I cannot in my wildest dreams imagine what the marriage of George and Kellyanne Conway must be like.  Of course she is presidential adviser and he's not one to mince words about her boss.  For those of you who do not know the traits of narcissistic personality it goes something like this, in no particular order.

They:  Have a sense of entitlement.
            Expect to be admired.
            Exaggerate their life.
            Believe they are superior.
            Take advantage of others and lack empthy.
            Demean, intimidate and bully others.
            Need to be controlling.
            Strive for perfection.
            Lack accountability and blame others.
            Lack boundaries.

Now this little mini-list of personality traits can be found in many and I've known a lot of people with this disorder.  That's why I could name you at the very minimum two Trump actions to support each of the ten.   His sense of grandiosity is disgusting and in fact drives everyone away from him except for the rag tag bunch of nationalists that feed off his dangerous personality.  When that asshat showed up in court with MAGA written on his hand I about lost it.  Some way, somehow we have to bond together to stop the madness.  I don't hate Trump because I think he can't help it. It's a mental disorder and his base didn't pick up on that until way after the election.  Each day that passes it gets worse.  I wish Twitter would just ban him.

I don't argue with his supporters anymore.  At all.  Doing so brought out a side of me that I didn't like so I changed my behavior.  That's about all any of us can do when something is too absurd to deal with.  Set a boundary and don't cross it.  If you do, jump back behind that line in the sand and remember who you are. 

I've been reading a book today about women who have been abused both physically and mentally and got caught up in the never ending cycles of jail and addiction.  Most of them have periods of getting clean and keeping the demons at bay only to crumble when some life altering experience sent them back to the bottom.  I pretty much think that if you're open to what God's timing is, you know when to let it go and trust Him.

Thanks to a message from a friend I was able to watch the home going service yesterday for John Kilzer.  It was an inspirational tribute to a man who was loved by many and the music was just his style.  The senior pastor ended it by singing "Hey Jude" with the congregation.  I know John was smiling down on this group of mourners.

The dogs and I went for a walk this afternoon and it was lovely.  The winter wheat makes a beautiful backdrop for their coloring, especially Ellie's chocolate brown.  

Don't worry.  Be happy!

Monday, March 18, 2019

in the zone

I have candles burning today in memory of the ministry and talent of John Kilzer.  His memorial service was held today at the beloved St John's in midtown Memphis.  I never met him personally but felt like I did through the years.  Watching him recover from addiction and establish a ministry with a mission, I became a prayer partner so to speak.  My prayer is that someone who was touched by him will step up and continue The Way.

I love to grill but haven't had one in years so I hit up Lowe's this morning and got one on sale.  It's little but all I need.  It's a little too windy to try it out today but we shall grill eventually!  At the shady 'gentral I picked up charcoal, matches and flip flops.  Bring on spring!!

I believe that each of us is a child of God and were given gifts.  Putting faith in action requires getting out of the box and meeting people where they are, not just at the house of worship. Say bless your heart when some random clerk looks tired.  Hug the next person who looks like they need one because you KNOW you do.  Always be courteous and say thank you.  That sounds like a lot huh?  Not really.

Forge relationships that feed your soul.  Sing and dance and make merry.  And always remember that no matter what bad stuff you did, it is forgiven ^j^ 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

a sin is a sin

Well y'all, I've had church all day.  I caught an anti-abortion sermon this morning.  If you know me at all you know I'm pro choice.  I looked up the scriptures listed in my church newsletter and as usual it was a mixture of old and new.  Then I did a speed read of a book by a woman that I met yesterday.  That one I couldn't put down until the end. Bonus:  I have three more!  She has inspired me to tell my story and those of others.

My friend Rick dropped in this afternoon and we had bible study at the ( not so ) round table in the kitchen.  We covered a lot of topics like people who have studied the good book will do on occasion.  I can't remember book and verse on demand but there's always that handy thing in the back called an appendix. He won that round. "It has always been thus and so."

My story is one about coming of age in the 60s and 70s.  I had a pretty happy Beaver Cleaver early childhood but the war in Vietnam hit me like a brick as an early teen.  That peace and love attitude has followed me through several other wars particularly Desert Storm and Iraq.  It's all about the money folks.

I feel blessed beyond measure and after a year free from corporate America, I am finally becoming sane.  I judge nobody ever.  It's not my place if you know what I mean.  My spirituality is between me and God, the ones who loves everybody and their mama'n'them.  


Saturday, March 16, 2019

the spirit

I didn't want to, but I hit up Kroger for the big load today.  It should last at least a month with just me.  I miss cooking but don't shop often preferring to keep certain staples and splurge now and then on good stuff.  To my complete surprise the bag person pulled out these nifty canvas ones with REAL handles.  There was no charge for them and since I had so much I came home with five of them.  I will definitely use them again.  In a perfect world there would be no plastic but then what would people line their small trash cans with ???

There was a brief visit at the funeral home to give my high school buddy a hug on the passing of his mother.  I didn't know a soul but him and it took me awhile to spot him in the crowd! Ironically, he is in the music industry as well so there's another piece of the puzzle.  

I usually work all weekend so I haven't been available to help out with fund raising for The Damascus Project, a local recovery ministry for men.  They are raising money to complete a 16 bed residential men's facility and construction has already begun.  A benefactor donated a beautiful Jaguar for which a drawing will be held in the next few weeks.  There is currently no inpatient facility for males in our town.  The jail re-entry program is ramping up on their's women's program so there's that to be grateful for.

It takes all kinds to affect change.  We are all addicted to something whether it be chemical or behavioral.  That's why I try to hold on to humility.


Friday, March 15, 2019

back in business

I despise WalMart with everything in my soul and avoid it at all costs.  However, in this little 'burg it's the only place to buy certain things like a cordless mouse.  I was up early to meet Lorna for breakfast at Dave's which was wonderful.  Then we went over to The Mill to visit a bit longer.  She brought me a box full of goodies like Tiger Balm, clothes, and hand made soaps from Ann.  Then I tackled Wallyworld.  It wasn't too bad and I also picked up some new sheets which I desperately needed.  My intention was to go to Kroger but my car headed to the house.  I can do that another time and keep eating whatever's around which ain't much.  I have to be in a certain mood to go grocery shopping and today ain't it.

I haven't walked the lane in quite some time because of the cold but yesterday was warm so I did the deed with the dogs leading the way.  I could tell I'm out of shape but we'll work on that now that it's warm enough.  Looks like we have a string of dry days so that's a plus.  The ground is beyond soaked.

I've lost track of Trump because it's all bullshit which I certainly don't need.  Ditto for the rich people buying their kids' way into Ivy League schools.  As my Daddy would say "It has always been thus and so."  The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.  

The birds are happily singing to me outside the office window.  They're happy that spring is almost here.  If things go the usual way we will have about two months of nice weather and then go straight into what is known as Tennessee summer which is long, hot and humid.  

Y'all be careful out there ~ Hill Street Blues


Thursday, March 14, 2019

walks a mile in my shoes

I reckon a lot of folks thought I had dropped off the face of the earth this past week.  I had problems on top of problems with getting the laptop fixed and internet workable. I spent an hour on the phone yesterday with a guy who very patiently walked me through a hard reboot of the modem.  Finally I could blog again! This involved holding a toothpick for two full minutes into a tiny little hold while he watched and uploaded and restored the factory specs for said device.  Two minutes is a long time and we had to start over several times when I lost my grip.  I promised him five stars on his survey.

I'm still pretty bummed about the death of John Kilzer.  I think it's because I know addiction up close and personal like he did.  Sweet souls can be overcome by the demons in a heartbeat and his ministry was all about recovery and community.  And the music? It lives on.  

It's sunny and warm.  Thank you very much ^j^

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

ministry in the making

It's odd, how I've been fuming over a lack of social media since Ash Wednesday.  The service was solemn and spiritual.  After the service I met friends for pizza and the owners discussed my dirty face.  It's not just for Catholics, you know.

I was shocked to hear of the sudden death of John Kilzer from Humboldt.  He was a roundball star at Memphis State where he studied to become an English professor.  And then?  He became a full fledged rock star.  He released two albums that were hits and I gave my vinyl to a friend not too long ago.  One who went to high school with him in Jackson.

John's fame was big and he got into a lot of trouble with all that money.  He landed in jail many times which is where he discovered that he was meant to not only save his own life but minister to others.  After earning a Doctorate at Memphis Theological Seminary he established a recovery ministry at St. Johns UMC in Memphis giving addicts the comfort of knowing they are not alone.  He established Friday night service called The Way that was prime time for addicts to relapse.  And the Lord moved through that ministry for a number of years.  

He began recording again a few years ago for Archer records and I've been an avid fan ever since.  My friend Cathy who attended the small UMC  he once was pastor in Friendship is the one who told me about the music.  The rest is history because he's a solid on my playlist. Though we never met in person, John was an icon to me not only for his music but for his honesty and integrity. The same is true of their latest pastor, also a Brother John.

Let us be glad and rejoice ^j^

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

all in a day's work

I had a nice day visiting with old friends and watching daytime TV.  That is a big bonus!  Plus, the sun came out and it warmed up.  Can you say thank you sweetbabyjeebus.  I am sure that there are those among you who see that phrase as blasphemy.  All I can say is, it's my blog and my relationship with Him.  Think what you will.

Another friend called and then dropped by and it was amazing to see him looking much happier than I've seen him in months.  I'm his free therapist, so to speak.  That's another long story which will be in the book that probably will never exist except within this blog.  

The Republicans are lining up like rats jumping off a sinking ship which, in reality, the administration is.  In conversation about healthcare reform today we touched on Medicare for all and I was amazed at the viewpoints and issues involved with all three of us.  I am not a Medicare recipient yet even though I'm retired.  One participant was and the other is a provider struggling with payment issues.  The entire system is a house of cards waiting to fall.  You can trust me.  I spent 40 years there.

Here's the thing.  The basic human right of access to quality healthcare in the richest country of the world is paramount.  So is public education.  The sooner we realize and get to the drawing board for solutions, the closer we are to a happier and healthier population.  

A lot of Methodist churches are defying the rules of the General Conference and doing their own thing.  I admire these folks for not rolling over on such an important issue.  My current writing assignment features West TN musicians and I have spent a month chasing John Kilzer who is not only a musician but a Methodist minister.  Lew Jetton is in the mix along with Gary Hager, Tommy Cathey and Tony Burriss.  If I'm feeling froggy I'll move toward Nashvegas in scope.  Last but not least will be a band that has morphed over the years featuring Gregg Rivers and Bill Dagget.  

Gotta' go work on my Gaga eyeroll ;)  

Monday, March 4, 2019

art of the deal

I feel pretty dang productive today because I marked several things off my to do list even though it was freezing cold and the struts were letting me know it with every bump.  The giant Arbys/Taco Bell crater is back topped with a big orange cone.  I noticed that on the way to lunch.  I do so love me some intelligent conversation over a meal.  We covered a lot in an hour and a half.  That was after an oil change with the new and much friendlier guys who bought Speed Lube.  I give them five stars, and also Natasha at Applebee's.

I also picked up my 'minner cheese from Yaya a week after she made it.  Forgetful minds like mine make lists and forget them.  She had a big explanation point by her name on the notepad this morning.  I just so happened to show up after a real live fire on one of the lines so DES was there doing damage control following a quick handling of the crisis by the operator and the DFD.  

Ellie goes to meet Dr. Pierce on Wednesday morning and I will have her on a short leash so to speak.  She can be wild as a buck and pull an old girl down.  Her new collar is black but that will probably change to something more colorful.  I just bought what I needed to get through the visit.  Pet Cetera has all kinds of cute stuff.  

Y'all stay warm and hug everybody who will let you.  I saw Ryan the super duper yard maintenance friend today and got a big fat one from him.  I still owe him money and yet he loves me.  That's pretty damn cool.

Over and out from the lane ^j^

Sunday, March 3, 2019

snow day

It was beautiful while it lasted.  We watched as snow blew sideways for about an hour and marveled at the beauty.  It was cold enough to stick but not to last.  After that we watched a Lifetime movie with a seriously good plot and yelled at old girl to save her ass from the bad guy.  Good times.  

I bricked on the movie date because it's just so cold and I wanted to "save" as many buttercups as possible.  I gave up about halfway down Mrs. Council's row because of the wind.  Maybe they'll make it huh?  

I'm glad propane guy paid me a visit.  I owe him my nextborn but as least I'll be warm for the next few days.  Goodbye winter of 2019!  Be done with you.

Be nice and tolerant.  Don't judge.  And never ever hate ^j^

Saturday, March 2, 2019

the easy way

I am so lazy I try to do most everything online.  That included purchasing a phone with I thought was Straight Talk and turned out to be a TracFone.  Mamye tried to use it but it would have required switching to Trac and back to Straight.  Soooo...I had to go through the hassle of calling Wallyhell for a return authorization and getting it printed at Gigi's then getting it to the USPS.  One of these days I'll learn that it's easier to just  march on up into WalMart and talk to a real live person.  One more thing off the to do list.

It's cold and gloomy again.  I picked about a hundred buttercups yesterday in an attempt to save what I can from the coming deep freeze.  Hopefully this will be the last of it but you never know.  I have a movie date after work with a whole row of Madea fans.  Supposedly this is his last but I can't imagine that.  

Things have been kind of quiet after Trump's utterly horribly terrible bad week.  Now he's going to use his veto to keep the pot stirred.  If this man gave one shit about what we the people think is important, I'd be grateful.  All he is about is winning and attention.  Note to the GOP:  y'all better get busy coming up with a viable candidate for 2020.  He ain't it.

I'm in a strange sort of mood like purgatory or something.  I feel like big things and changes are coming into my life and I'm just waiting for them to be revealed.  It's an appropriate mindset for the upcoming season of Lent.

Meanwhile there's a whole lotta' hell being raised around Mardi Gras territory.  I reckon it's time to pull out the beads and party.  

Keep the faith ^j^