Sunday, March 29, 2020

ellie strikes again

When I woke up enough to be hungry this morning I went to get the little white doughnuts I bought yesterday.  Now sometimes I put things in strange places so I looked and looked.  I found the evidence, an empty torn up bag, on the living room floor. I then proceeded to wave it at her saying "bad girl...VERY bad girl."  She just looked at me like "yeah, but they were good."  An entire bag y'all.  Since she chewed up my Peepers I had to get new ones at the 'gentral.  I also found a box of prep wipes torn up on the back porch.  This is why we can't have nice things.  I'm just counting my blessings that she hasn't destroyed my new Brooks kicks.  

It's another beautiful day following a stormy night.  The tornado sirens were blaring because Jonesboro had been hit and I suppose it was headed this way.   Fortunately there were no deaths there.  Lauren said Jackson got pretty strong straight line winds and their sirens went off for 30 minutes or more.  

So, here we are in quarantine still.  I'm glad I prefer solitude because it looks like a long haul.  I did some yard work earlier in the week and like a dummy got  poison ivy on my arm.  I'm a gonna' try to self treat with OTC stuff.  

I'm still craving Mexican so tomorrow I'll try to make that happen.  I suppose timing is crucial to be able to get through when they're on the phone constantly taking orders.  Now would not be a good time because it's lunch rush.  

My stupid phone keeps telling me to "be more active" because I'm not meeting my goal.  Well, duh.  The phone doesn't go with me every lap I make around this house.  The ladybugs are still everywhere keeping me company.  Anybody who lives in this neck of the woods knows we are in a food desert.  A new diner has opened at Four Points and I hear it's quite good.  Curbside only though. Even the chicken store has removed their dine in tables.  Looks a lot better if I say so myself.  

I actually read the scriptures ahead of time for today's church service and knew what they were talking about.  I especially loved the part where all of the church staff took turns reading it.  They are doing a fantastic job keeping our flock together remotely.  We are all in this together and hopefully will learn not to take a lot of things for granted.  

Blessings to you and yours ^j^

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