Saturday, May 30, 2020

midnight snack

During the night, I heard this god awful cat noise in the bathroom.  When I got up to check it out Lily had an almost dead mouse on the floor playing it to death.  I've seen what comes next and it ain't pretty and I shut the bedroom door so she couldn't come in there to do it.  This morning there wasn't a trace.  I know she's "helping" but it still creeps me out.  

My car registration is due Monday and usually the office is open on the Saturday before so I headed downtown to take care of that and they were closed.  Oh well.  Since I was in the neighborhood I went on down to Pennington's and got some more stuff for my raised bed.  The hip is still hurting but I soldiered through it and got it all in the dirt and watered in.  They are running the bush hog around the edges of the wheat getting ready to cut soon.  It's a beautiful sunny day with a slight breeze.  

A bird has built a nest right by my back door and startles me by flying out when I go outside.  So far no eggs, just lots of busy work.  It never ceases to amaze me how quickly they can build.  Today's totem is a lizard which greeted me on the back steps.  That's where the frogs hang out too.  Probably Mr. Snake as well.  

The plan is for the girls and I to to parking lot Pentecost church in the morning.  May the Holy Spirit touch each of us with flames of love and faith ^j^

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