Friday, June 12, 2020

i am the are the church

Today's noon devotional was presented by none other than my good friend Delores.  She adopted me many years ago and has shown the love of God to me and mine in many ways.  Back when we had in person worship I knew exactly where she and Hubert sat and often joined their family unit.  Ridge and Valley and Jason.  The whole crew.  She always had her bible and looked up the scripture even though it was on the big screen.  FUMC has held me up and prayed for me through the hard times of this year....heck I'm still on the prayer list.  I had just begun volunteering with the food assistance when I got struck down by the diverticulitis and COVID hit.  I spent several afternoons in Karen's office listening to volunteers and staff and getting to know them better.  This is God at work.

What is the new normal?  Who knows.  All I know is that I live in the moment now more than ever and enjoy every little bit of serendipity that comes my way.  It is a faithful way to live, I think.  Believing in things not seen when things do not seem possible.  I went to get a trellis for my cucumber today and almost broke it trying to hammer it into the ground.  I'll use that for something else because Jeffro at Pennington's advised me to use a cage.  

I'm looking forward to my first pool time with Reaves on Sunday thanks to some super generous friends who love us.  Of course I can't go under because of, know.  But I can sure soak my feet and legs and splash a bit.  I went there a couple of times last summer and totally enjoyed it.  There's flowers everywhere and whatnot.  People playing golf across the fence.  I ordered the baby a new summer dress that is to die for cute from a local online boutique.  It's more than I usually pay but *squeee* it's so freakin' cute.  Gaga can't help herself!

I ask but one thing of you today.  Please show the love to someone....anyone.  Cross the fence and shake hands.  Find some common ground.  It's what Jesus would do ^j^

1 comment:

  1. Peace is found in but One. Praying for you my friend.
