Monday, June 22, 2020

ashes to ashes

Yesterday was the day for Pnoler to be scattered.  He rode in the front seat of Lauren's car all the way from Madison County and Mamye joined us for the casting into the wind.  I've never handled cremains before and we all got dusty from the spreading. He's here there and yonder on the farm.  It was a cleansing experience for all of us who knew and loved him and a very appropriate Father's Day tribute.  When Lauren first arrived we had a good cry and then commenced to giving her pops back to the earth from which we were all created.  

Our church does noon devotionals every day and Mondays are notoriously hard to fill.  So, I raised my hand and Mary Beth got a Monday off.  My subject matter involved the history of the serenity prayer which we all know and love.  It is spoken in unison at every AA, NA and all other anonymous meetings.  Until Lauren told me yesterday I did not know that there was another portion so I included that and gave personal testimony as to how that prayer helped me when I was losing my mind after the big surgery.  I was sleep deprived and as heck.  While researching the history of that prayer I found that the author was a liberal progressive Christian named Reinhold Niebuhr from way back when.  He graduated from Yale and went on to teach at the Union Theological Seminary in New York until his retirement.  Mary Beth told me that he had a brother who was an ethicist.  Live and learn and pass it on.  Emily was patient with me since I was a newbie at FB live.  

I got to visit with the crew at Curry Funeral Home this morning which included Ann and Stella.  Stella climbed Ann like a tree and laid her head on her shoulder.  Magic love!  I then made a delivery to my client and got my next assignment.  And I even made it home before the rain started.  

Y'all be blessed and remember who you are.  And always keep the faith ^j^

1 comment:

  1. Remember who we are. Remember where we come from. Remember who's we are.
    Blessings y'all
