Tuesday, June 9, 2020

blowing in the wind

Cristobal is still blowing through here since late yesterday with periodic downpours and a whole bunch of wind.  I had an appointment with a client for errand running this morning and was up by 6:30 but I waited for the rain to stop before I set out.  Now the sun is trying to come out which means nasty humidity but the next few days look much more pleasant.  

I'm still learning my new phone and got a message about excessive battery use so it told me to put some apps to sleep to help fix that.  We shall see.  I had noticed that it was slow to charge...like super slow.  

Our church is tentatively scheduled to resume in person worship on June 21.  This is a learning curve for the staff and congregation but we will adapt.  I'm really encouraged by the outreach and presence of the church during our time of suspended in person worship.  It will be different for sure.  My family unit of "just me" has to be six feet away from other units and we are asked to wear masks.  Since we won't be singing that's doable.  

I am still struggling with the back thing and hoping the medicine kicks in soon.  I can walk, but slowly and with pain.  But we all have aches and pains so I soldier on.  I do the exercises to stretch it out and sleep on the heating pad.  I seriously need an ice pack but have been making my own in ziploc bags.  Maybe that will be in the budget on payday.  

Speaking of random....I ran into an old work friend at Kroger today whom I thought had moved.  He spent some time in his home country but is now back local and working dialysis in a nearby town.  It was good to hug his neck.  I can't help it...I love hugs too much to give it up.  

Y'all be happy and healthy.  It's noon devotional time!

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