Tuesday, June 2, 2020

breaking up is hard to do

Since I switched cell providers I'm in the process of divorcing ATT on everything except DSL service.  I tried calling them and of course got nowhere so I went to the local store where they gave me a phone number to call. *sigh*  After staying on hold for about 30 minutes I gave up.  I did get the wireless lines cancelled but there was something about another line with the tablet that is long gone.  I don't know.  Something hidden I'm sure.  Too tired to deal with it actually.

I was out and about this morning and got a couple of things done that were on the list.  While I was out I spotted Mary Kate Alford working at the Downtown Dyersburg mural on Tencom's brick exterior wall.  Makes new friends and keep the old!  There will be pictures after she friends me.  

One of my errands was renewing my car registration and I was surprised to find a deputy at the door making sure too many folks didn't come in and we were socially distanced.  Thank you for your service sir.  

Now for the rant.  Trump gassing protesters so that he could do a photo op at a church who did NOT give permission is the worst thing he's done yet.  I posted about it this morning with the Bible and all and I was astounded at the way some folks jumped up to defend him.  "At least he's holding a bible" said one chick.  Personally, that made it more heinous in my eyes.  Jesus doesn't like that kind of stuff.  

I'm beyond mad but I'm letting it go because it does nothing but bring me down.  I promise to focus more on the positive and show how we can come together as one united people.  And I rarely break that sort of promise.

Namaste ~

1 comment:

  1. I believe there's a whole book at the end of The Book warning us all about these times...
