Saturday, June 13, 2020

cemetery chat

I attended a graveside service for my dear friend Keith's sister this morning and, as usual, got to see everybody and their mama'n'them.  I was talking with Vicki and Barrett and she was admiring my earrings made by Cari Houston Hayes when she spotted a TICK in my ear.  Barrett got rid of him for me and stomped him with his boot.  That's the second time I've had one in the ear with the first one being retrieved by Nina at Headlines.  I hate them!  I know where I picked this one up and it was from being under the trees at Larry's house and then over at Parks's.  Larry is pretty much bedridden with neck pain, bless  his heart.  

I went by the crack store known as Pennington's and got a couple of more cages for things to climb on.  Stanley tried to warn me that they weren't big enough and the tomato would outgrow it.  I'll take my chances and stake it later.  

The funeral was very well led and inspiring.  The preacher captured the real Marilyn and focused on her love for everybody and how she told them so.  That is how I'd like to be remembered.  He mentioned that children who are raised being told that they are loved grow up with greater self worth which I totally believe.  Unconditional love is what it's all about, not just with kids but with the world.  My offering for the bereavement meal was a bag of delicious cheese biscuits.  I've taken them to many a cookout at their house and they're gone in a heartbeat.  

Death is inevitable which is something we don't like to think about but it's a reality.  Losing both of my parents within six months was quite a blow but pretty common for folks who have been married for sixty plus years.  As for me, I will be buried in the Carter family cemetery at the tail end of Samaria Bend.  It's a lovely little grove of a place that is kept up by the property owner and he has given my brother and I permission to have that as out final resting place.  Very appropriate, I think.

Y'all be peaceful and grateful and above all kind to one another.  And keep the faith ^j^

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