Monday, June 15, 2020

a day in the life

The girls came yesterday and it was, as usual, a circus but a fun one.  We had planned on going swimming but Reaves was in a mood so we played in the sprinkler and that was just as fun.  She figured out how to pick it up and move it around so Lauren and I got soaked more than once.  She watered my garden and I told Lauren what everything was.  Her inner country girl is beginning to emerge and she is fascinated with growing things.  We never had a garden when she was growing up but I remember her getting mad at me because I spent so much time on my "stupid flowers."  Hah...she loves them now and so does Reaves.  She lives in an apartment so there's no way for her to grow much BUT....someday.  

A great victory was delivered by our SCOTUS and that gives me hope for equality in these turbulent times.  One friend put it like this: "I know a lot of y'alls spouses and they are assholes.  How would you like it if you got fired for being married to an asshat."  Hmmm.  Excellent point Lisa.  It was indeed a high point of pride month.  

So now we wait for November and whatever comes then.  I have a feeling it's going to get worse before it gets better.  Trump is holding a rally in OK where they wished he would not come and pack an indoor arena holding 19K people shoulder to shoulder.  People come from other states for these things and there will be lots of COVID passing around I imagine.  If you are stupid enough to sign a waiver promising not to sue if you get it you are just, as we say in the south, "special."  

I did a run for my client this morning and that was about the extent of my activity because I'm kind of dizzy headed when I look up or down.  Maybe it's all the drama these days, ya' think?  Probably vertigo.  I should probably wait to put up a new nail for the hummingbird feeder!  

That wooden trellis that I couldn't use is now planted in the neighbor's cherry tomato.  Mine is coming along nicely with tomato blooms and baby squash.  I have enjoyed this project a lot and will probably get Johnny and Billy to build me another one when they have time.  

Y'all have a happy Monday and fabulous week.  Do good and say nice things.  Shine your light on everybody you see ^j^

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