Sunday, October 13, 2019

blessed day

As they say in Gilead.  "under his eye"  I have had a different kind of blessed day in which I learned about Jesus and lepers, sang a lot of old hymns and got to talk to almost every member of my family plus a few old friends.  Life is good.

Reaves got the whole farm experience thing today and climbed a lot of stairs.  She played gymnastics on the framing for the kitchen stuff and crawled behind her great grandmother's closet door.  All in a way too big dress with leggings and new glittery shoes.  A girl is only a girl once.  Bubba brought the gator around for her to ride and she wouldn't have any part of it.  Nada.  She was tired and running on adrenaline.  I feel sure she was out by the time they hit 412.

I don't expect anything out of life really.  Things suck and people get abused and governments get corrupt.  I'm not an ^j^alarmist by any means but this Trump tirade has me worried.  Somebody please step the eff up and do your jobs for the people who put their trust in you.  Rant over.

Keep on the sunny side 

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