I have moved the desk to BG's room to facilitate organizational things needed for a home office. The sun rises on this side of the house so it's much lighter in the mornings. This house tends to be DARK so I'm looking at some lighting options that will be more old eye friendly. Plus, I can watch the golfers out the window! Believe me...they play all year round. It's an unofficial UT room with the two items that I kept displayed. All the rest went hither and yon which is okay because I'm not a big football fan. It's for my parents ;)
Lauren and Heather should be on the road soon depending on who got away from work early. I passed my friend Susan in the hall today and she shared with me that holidays after a death are hard which I already know. This is the second year for her and she said it doesn't get any easier. It's when you miss family the most I think.
I never wear makeup and put some on yesterday and it drove me crazy. Probably need hypoallergenic or something. So much for finding sugardaddy. I guess he'll just have to be a naturalist. I do well to get into decent jeans and a nice t-shirt but I try to be presentable. Scrubs make you lazy when it comes to fashion. Just sayin'.
Hopefully the hoorah over Trump will simmer down and we see which way we're headed. Like Dan Rather, I believe that the time is now to speak up and act responsibly. The POTUS has very little power outside of the veto and pardon things so there's that in our favor. I predict that it will turn into such a big mess that he'll end up out of office before the term is finished. I approve Nikki Haley in that role. Bannon needs to go. Also, it wouldn't be a bad idea to hook up McCain and Boehner in the mix somehow. HRC looks very tired, and rightfully so. Bernie gave her hell in the primary and then she got dropped on her ass by the electoral college. Also, watch out for Elizabeth Warren kids. She's fierce and true in her motives concerning Wall Street which is what we need desperately. For a bunch of bankers to tinker with our economy to their advantage is just wrong.
I am thankful for a lot of things right now. My health is good and my job is fairly manageable. I have some wonderful family who would go to the moon and back for me and lots of friends who would do the same. My dogs adore me ( and sometimes the cat ) and I carry a light load when it comes to worry. Doesn't help a damn thing, ya know? Here's to living the thankful life, with gratitude and faith as the cornerstones. It keeps me sane, if you know what I mean.
Happy Thanksgiving