Friday, November 25, 2016


BG just left headed home with a lot of stuff to haul in Heather's truck.  Since I overcooked she has turkey and dressing for her friendsgiving.  The seriously cute mailman showed up today with my purchases so Christmas shopping is *done*.  We had a great meal yesterday with Bubba and he met up with us at the cabin today  I forgot where the key is so me and Lauren just looked the windows and sobbed.  She hasn't been there in forever, and never to the cemetery so we did that too.  Closure is good.  We cruised by Mo's new house on the way home. 

We slept together for two nights in a queen size bed with dogs and it was divine.  I got inspired to go through ornaments today and she picked out what she wanted.  We seriously don't know how to be anymore but usually figure it out.  She cleans, I cook and we just chill.  Sophie is such a lover she slept between us and never moved.  

I seriously hope y'all aren't at Walmart.  I hear it's dangerous out there.  ^j^

1 comment:

  1. This holiday season is going to be so different for many memories, lots of tears, I'm sure. I'm go glad you write about your experiences here. I remember that first year, and then the second came along. It was almost harder than the first. You expect the first to be hard, and then the numbness wears off and the second year comes...Keep on truckin'.
