Tuesday, November 17, 2015


The Cadi is still parked on a side street next to the wrecker house and  insurance won't pay for a rental.  Thanks to the wonders of Big Ernie I am off tomorrow so BG can use the (trusty) Camry to report back to work until we find out if it's fixable.  If not, I'll be giving you a holla' for a ride home. It is what it is and I don't have a clue how this is gonna' play out.  Considering the whirlwind year, I've learned to just coast.  My golf course neighbors have a strange cat with a collar and we chatted about it in the parking lot of the sawmill today.  Things are, shall we say, *austure* up in there.  This is never a good thing when people are sick and dying.

As a rural hospital we struggle with a different sort of overload than big city trauma centers.  Most of our folks except for the occasional car wreck or broken hip, are suffering from multiple issues involving end state organ failure.  They are chronic and repeat admissions, becoming more and more frequent as they age.  They also have good insurance ( some of them ) and the cash flow is always moving this way or that.  This year we added an interventional cardiology program which involved a whole bunch of money and not much action. The plan went like this : We cath and stent you with absolutely no cardiac surgery ability on site with a freakin' helicopter running on the pad during the procedure.  Does this sound like a solid to you?  This is all in the grand diagnose and treat thing that was hatched by a previous O who rode on out into the sunset.  I knew when I saw the HMA merger that life as we knew it was over.  That was a huge acquisition for even the big fish  and involves not only hospitals but those tedious little physician practices that feed the system.

Nothing that I've said here is not common knowledge so don't even think about lawyering up or retaliation.  Ya'll have never seen the stink that will happen if somebody dares to ask more of me for less.  Ain't got time for that.  I took Mama a cherry limeade and we chatted about her neighbor who calls everybody "sweetheart" and is well, confused.  She was half asleep "watching" TV. There's a turkey meal for families on Friday and we're making plans for several dressing feasts.  Hey..it's only once a year.As karma and Big Ernie would have it I am blessed with an unexpected day off tomorrow unless K shows up at work.  Let's all hold hands and manifest that not to happen, umkay?

Tis the season ~

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