Saturday, December 31, 2022

it's all good

OMG what day is it anyway?  Oh's New Year's Eve.  I remember a time when we shot fireworks and banged pans at the old house.  That was Lauren and Kristen and back then we stayed up late.  Not so much now, ya' know.  2023 will come  and go like all of them.  I've been thinking about the highlights of my life this year and they are many.  FUMC has become a constant for me.  Our church is struggling with all kinds of issues and I am an active part of that discernment,  Not like a member of the team but, you know.  I pray for us and enjoy every hug I get up in there.  I called one church member/friend yesterday just to see if he was still kicking because rumor said he was dead.  Wrong guy y'all.  

My girls have become much more of a constant with Gaga.  They come here at least once a week and it's always an adventure.  Sometimes a meltdown but lots of play time.  I do believe she gets manic out here at the cabin.  Her new bike needs the training wheels put on so I'll have to call in a favor soon because spring is coming.  If the neighbors don't slow down I'll be really mad.  My next yard sign will be "this is not a raceway."  Nuf' said.

I hope that 2023 treats us well.  I think about a lot of things like world peace and saving nature.  Climate change is real and killing us at every level.  Biden is not a bad POTUS though I noticed that gas went up thirty cents today.  Damn you Saudi!

Let's all hold hands and pray.  It's a start ^j^

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