Monday, December 12, 2022

comedy cures

I've been weeping off and on this morning and decided enough was enough with that. A good cry is , on occasion, a cleansing experience.  Before I went on Celexa I cried every single day.  And then a week later I was s like "huh, this is what feels normal."  I didn't cry for a very long time which was odd.  Now I can go for days on end without shedding a tear unless it all builds up which happened today.  As I cried together with Babygirl we pondered over God's will. " Just maybe it's a sign, I said. "  We started our conversation while she was in the ortho office being told that her knee is totally blown out.  She was scared and overwhelmed with all the other things on her plate.  But every time we talked after that, she sounded calmer.  And we a lot.  Sometimes you have to hit the wall to become humble and that's what happened with me today.  I have been blessed with so much in my life but these kids are my priority.  There is a back story, but that doesn't matter right now.  

I tend to look at each little fire that shows up on my path as an opportunity to listen and move forward.  I am by no means perfect, but I try.  And in the end that's all any of us can do.  People are basically good, but when the devil gets involved watch out!  If we truly believe that God is good and Jesus died for us, and we should pay it forward in insignificant small ways.  I got some gas today at the chicken store and there was a guy out there in the cold actually cleaning the pumps.  Without gloves.  We chatted about chances of snow and then I went down to the pecan store to sell mine and Patty's efforts.  Twenty four pounds of Stuarts at a decent price.  

As a last resort I watched some new SNL and laughed for the first time today.  Steven Martin and Martin Short no less!  Colin and Michael.  Laughing is sooooo good for the soul.  I should have been out there rolling pecans but nah.  They will still be there, even after the rain tomorrow.  

Believe ^j^

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