Sunday, December 4, 2022

hanging of the greens

My buddy Calvin and I have a tradition where I help him decorate for Christmas by climbing chairs and hanging the garland (with bows) over his mirror.  I used to have to haul the tree out of the bathtub but that's already done.  I think he just likes me crawling up on the chairs for entertainment!  He only has one leg and just wishes he could do it.  It involves a lot of moving the garland this way or that way to make it just right over the table.  I used to do his shopping until he got a motorized scooter.  From his apartment he can hit up Green Village and the strip mall behind it which includes a convenience store, a 'gentral and a liquor store.  I guess he could ride over to the Chick and get some tasty bites, but he likes to cook.  

Church was great today, in more ways than one.  We have serious business on the table but then there's Advent and the joy of the virgin birth.  I managed to read the scripture with only one word stumbled upon.  I sat behind a recovering addict who was at the pulpit telling her life story.  She cried and I prayed.  Reaves was being all shy and stuff and I read while LP was delivering her to the nursery.  We sat together, she and I and our little family of cousins, and received the good news.  

I made some cookies but that wasn't good enough for Miss Elizabeth so she proceeded to make a smoothie out of yogurt, cookie dough, nutella, peanut butter, sliced bananas chocolate chips and everything else we could find.  It's chilling in the freezer as I type.  Lauren and I went through the clothes that Patti brought and she took the winter stuff back to Jackson after buying kiddo hangers.  They have a big closet but no drawer space.  As mentioned before, she is looking for cleaning jobs to supplement her income.  "I don't want you to work two jobs Mama" said Reaves.  And then she gently explained why it was necessary.  All is well.  Poor Rosie hung right in there with 'dat baby even with all the holding and hanging on.  They ended up in the office chair with a fuzzy blanket watching Jillian and Addie.

It was a blessed day ^j^

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