Tuesday, December 6, 2022


I never thought I would be pregnant because I had been off of birth control for a couple of years and nothing happened.  I went to the gyn who did a test and told me that my cervix was blocked.  Whatever kind of scope he did, Lauren Elizabeth Parker was born in September 1984.  I was pregnant when me and Pnoler bought the house on Tickle street, thanks to a kind property manager.  We lived there until she was four and then we cut out for the farm.  The last big event I remember there was when she fell off the boat trailer and had a head injury.  We were only 1 minute away from the hospital but shit!  I remember my friend Terry Nash holding four by fours on her laceration and then a surgeon sewed it up.  

It took me about 20 years to clear out that house on the hill with a full basement and attic.  I kid you not, there were rabbit feed bags up in there.  An old coal stove that kept Charlie's house warm in the winter.  There is a chimney but it's not functional and just for looks.  Soon there will be a gas one like mine.  Slowly but surely it's coming together.  Lauren and her friends grew up there with us.  I was probably a bit stupid for drawing a crowd because they were a rowdy bunch.

She learned to ride a bike there in our rough ass driveway with her Daddy showing her how.  He liked to go over to the riverbed and fish on occasion.  She was definitely a Daddy's girl.  Every little girl needs a Daddy like that who will make them feel safe.  

I am so proud of the woman and mother that she has become.  There were times when I doubted but I prayed and they were answered.  We are closer than ever and understand each other's lives thus far.  Hey...we lived it together.  Me and her friends sat with her for three days until 'dat baby was finally delivered by section.  I was the first to hold her because Mama was knocked smooth out.  I called Daddy and told him to hop on over there for a recovery picture.  And he was there long after that.  Still is along with Mommy Kim and big brother.  

I'm rambling so it's time to go do something constructive.  I've been hearing a strange cat that is NOT Rosie but outside somewhere.  No.More.Cats.  Go dig up mice in the cornfield or something.  I refuse to be known as the crazy cat lady.  To quote Darrin Devault....."stay encouraged"

Peace. Love. Joy. Hope ^j^

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