Tuesday, December 15, 2015

turn the page

Yesterday afternoon I got off late and came home for a minute before showing back up at the sawmill for mama's surgery.  It was around sunset that me and Noler rode in the back seat of the Cadi  down Pecan Lane and toward town, he in a box and me in scrubs. When we took a right I spotted the herd of deer.  Nobody is allowed to hunt here except for the early morning duck slaughter and I respect that in an odd sort of way.  Nobody likes dark meat anyways really...they just try to tenderize and be trendy. Wrap it in bacon and all that shit.  Put it in the freezer for hard times, don't you know.  

Today I read that the least assholish of our Republican senators failed to properly disclose his personal financial connection with the cable industry.  Let's compare and contrast that with his failure to do anything promising for the state of Tennessee like expansion of healthcare benefits.  In his defense, being raised as a Lamar clone does have its' drawbacks.  Plus there's Haslam and his evil sidekick LT.  Steve Cohen (D) was instrumental in having the lottery legitimized in our state and the end game of all that money was to benefit education.  While I'm sure that happened, I also know that the state 's higher education has lowballed it on technology as in using obsolete software like Banner.  How do I know this?  Because I experience the same thing at the sawmill and we compare stories.

As far as I know everybody still hates Hillary and enjoys watching Trump holla'  " You're fired!". If you are that damned stupid, WTF ever.  At this point, it's a pissing match and MSM is all over it like white on rice.  *some of us* need to think outside the box.  You want a gun?  Purchase it legally and concealed carry.  You don't want an abortion?  Don't get one and step up to the plate for the ones who don't have access to safe healthcare. The places are on every corner where we "make the choice for life."  Buy some diapers and have a shower for some lady who has no baby daddy in the picture.  Do it in your church on Christmas eve and show Jesus how much you love him.  As for ISIS(L) to hell with 'em.  Most of them are wannabe expats who need a reason to end it all.  Oh, and by the way...lay off the gays.

Mama has been saying lately that she wishes she was dead which is kind of disturbing on many levels, but understandable for an 82 year old blind woman who can't walk and lost her husband AND her home four months ago.  All I find myself saying to her over and over is " i love you."  I have salvaged her baby clothes and they are in mint condition, ready for the next generation.

Advent ~



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