Friday, July 15, 2022

the way it is

So, I noticed that Ivana Trump died coming down the staircase of her mansion and her family gets a pass on the hearings for now.  How convenient for them.  Not that I don't have prayers for a family when they lose their mother.  Nothing like that at all.  I feel sorry for poor Baron.  Can you imagine growing up like he did??

I showed up for early voting on the first day and have a sticker to prove it.  It was a 13 page ballot so I just scrolled through the judges except for the ones I know like Mark Hayes and Steve relation :0  When I approached the table there were stickers to point to like D, R and G.  As I left I chatted with the office folks and they said there had been 142 so far for the morning.  That's some serious early voting.  

I still have a mouse in the house spreading little turds in the drawers so everything is on the counter until that is fixed.  Sounds like a good night to let the cats in.  I've been doing the front end work on venues and whatnot for our class reunion and we'll have a meeting in a couple of weeks so I'm praying for some generous classmates to step up with the bucks.  I talked to one of them the other night for TWO hours and we are definitely on the same page politically.  Plus it's fun to talk to old friends while having a cocktail.

The drought continues here.  I presume that unless God decides to bless us with some rain, this year's crop will be toast.  If it does rain, it's too little too late.  Sunday would be my Daddy's 92nd birthday and I'm sure he will be having fried chicken and purple hull peas in heaven.  And home grown 'maters!

As for me, I'm out of everything so I'm about to make an order at Kroger and see what I get.  I do accept substitutions but my phone doesn't tell me what they are.  Hell....I may just go into the store and see what they have.

Y'all have a great weekend.  Remember who you are ^j^

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