Friday, July 22, 2022

the check is in the mail

I have been blessed to do business with several folks who truly understand what it's like to live check to check.  When I owe them, they are priority even if it's a hundred bucks a month toward propane or the yard.  They truly understand that I'm making a good faith effort and trust me to do the right thing.  My mother told me to pay a little bit every month which is what she did all her life.  She was a great money manager and quite organized like Bubba is.  I, however, failed to inherit that quality!

I am idea person, if you will.  I get something on my mind and dream big then spend months trying to figure out how to make it happen.  Most of it never does, but sometimes....sometimes a dream comes true.  And when it does, I say thank you sweetbabyjebus.  I never thought that my car would be paid for.  I bit off more than I could chew on that one because I was desperate.   The  trusty Camry was not so trusty anymore.  Bubba went with me that day and test drove the Escape that is now my forever car.  Until somebody hits me.  I keep it service and half ass clean and use that back part for hauling stuff like mulch and groceries.  Garbage to the recycle bin.  Life is good.

I watched as much as I could stand last night of the hearing and shut it off.  There has been enough evidence there to convict any and everybody.  I hear some chatter that Pence might run in '24.  This man is not a hero.  He sheltered in place while our very own congress was being attacked by extremists.  The witnesses that have come forward have my admiration.  They are afraid of the consequences but they know right from wrong.  Some of them may be posturing for the future, but they seem to me to be very shaken by what happened.  I know I was.

Happy weekend y'all!  Love ya' see ya' bye ^j^

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