Monday, July 4, 2022

cat v dog

I had Oscar way before the cats came into the picture and he was perfectly content with dog food until I started putting out cat food.  I have decided that they will all eat the same thing because it would be a 24/7 job to keep up with it.  They all have fresh water and snack at their leisure.  Plus Oscar gets the good stuff when I cook.   They hang around so I guess they're happy with the gig.  Oscar goes in and out taking every step with me.  Cali is way too shy to come in the house but Rosie will come if there's petting involved.   Nobody has caught the mouse yet, BTW.

I'm actually glad to have a day at home with the critters.  Since I'm "almost a nurse" I've been steadily treating my abrasions from last weekend including debridement.  Lots of peroxide and neosporin.  My biggest challenge right now is the stoma which hurts when it feels like bothering me so I'm treating ulcerations around that area.  The adhesive from the wafer will tear yo' skin off if you're not careful.  I have a derm appointment tomorrow so I'm hoping that we can address all that.  I seriously dread the silver nitrate, but I know it will help.

I visited with some friends this morning and we talked politics.  Both of them are GOP and they love to pick on me for being a Dem however, as far as the local elections go....we are on the same page.   Miracles do happen!

We must maintain our independence from tyranny and oppression. It's what our founding fathers intended.  Enjoy your family gatherings and keep the faith ^j^

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