Saturday, June 13, 2015

random rainbow

So, there was a lot of yelling around my house this morning before sawmill o'clock and I had to breathe pretty deep just to keep from doing a Thelma and Louise down the hill.  As I passed through (what's left of) Southtown   I noticed a faint rainbow so I pulled over and had a moment.  There was no rain on me or anywhere close, but a few miles down the highway they had it going on with sun shining from the north. Amazing stuff.  My aunt died yesterday after a lengthy illness and a life well lived.  My favorite thing about her is that she took her job in social services seriously and continued to be a volunteer for the Salvation Army as long as her health allowed.  Well, that and "the look."    She was always kind of amused with me because I was such the rebel and gave my parents a lot of worry.  She and her husband Jimbo were second parents to an entire generation of  high school band kids including me.   They refurbished houses as a hobby and never lived anywhere long, doing improvements and moving onto the next adventure.  Their last, and my favorite, is an ancient white brick in Newbern right close to the funeral home.  I'm still busy purging and there are some dolls that came from that house which will be passed onto the sole girlchild in our grand-crew.  

BabyMan got wild with broken glass today and came to see me at work and got to watch TV while seeing if stitches were necessary.  Today was the opening of our annual farmer's market and it looked like a decent crowd.  The ability to use government benefits to purchase home grown food is an idea that should have been thought of eons ago.  The whole processing thing is about to implode anyway when the infrastructure crumbles.  Then you better have some squash or something or you'll starve.  Grapes of Wrath here we come!

Faith ~

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