Monday, June 8, 2015


The past two weeks are a blur for me because wave after wave of drama has just about convinced me that you can't make this shit up.  Society is shifting and changing and money is at the bottom of all of it, in my opinion.  As a healthcare provider I find that extremely frustrating.  It begins with expecting the government to subsidize nutrition through various and sundry plastic cards at little box stores and ends somewhere along the way when big oil destroys mother earth.  I finally bought some 'maters for the straw bales and a random shower watered for me today, thank you sweet baby Jesus.  We might have one by August if the snakes don't eat 'em.

My friend is recovering nicely but won't be back at the sawmill anytime soon because well...trauma.  She was at the wrong place at the wrong time and the ironic thing is that so was another friend the very next night. I'm real good at picking up on threads like that, if you know what I mean.  Mama sounds happy and we're all headed to the doctor's office tomorrow afternoon post day job.  Hopefully said physician will give me some SRUIs to get me through until my check gets more manageable.  If not, I reckon I'll just lose my mind.
Honestly?  I don't care anymore about anything other than my folks and my fur babies at this point.  Well, except for justice and the American way.   I'm not real sure what that is anymore, if you know what I mean.  Precious has the badass Leica looking at the upload problems which probably stem from old cards and a bad cord.  This can be corrected cheaply as well as my need for more efficient connectivity in the office.

So how was your Monday?

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