Tuesday, June 16, 2015


In the literal sense of the word, the meaning is to bring issues to the table and acknowledge them first of all. You know like, step 1...it's all out of control.  My mother's grief over her sister's death and her unhappiness with the living arrangements are both taking a toll and I went down for a convo this morning with the two of them.  Even made Daddy shut off the teevee so I am now officially "the devil."  We have had this discussion on many occasions and he's adamant that he's not leaving the farm.  He wants to die here.  Umm..okay, but do you have to take her happiness with you?  For years she has allowed herself and her wishes to be put "on the back burner". My plea to her was to think about what will make her happy during what time there is left on earth for her.  You can't lead a horse to water but you can tempt with the promise of a better life.

Lord have mercy it's hot and I'm grateful to have a good central unit up here on the hill.  I'm hauling buckets of water out to the recently planted trees which may or may not make it.  Hell, even the straw bale garden looks puny.  BG had a nice interview today with a company that recognizes her talents so there's that to praise the lord about.  As for me it looks like modern healthcare rules and it's not for the old timers anymore. They need young people who can easily do 12 hour shifts on the hamster wheel.  If I had some new tennis shoes, I could probably hang.

I may think I have it bad, but all over the world people are being persecuted in the name of religion for doing things that others deem unacceptable.  That's like playing Big Ernie to me.  Who the hell cares if being gay is a choice?  What does that have to do with Jesus loves everybody and you're next.  His ministry went way beyond the limits of what was considered "normal" back in the day including lepers and hookers and dead people.  Nothing made him madder than those money changers.

Which brings me up to present times with banks and superpower financial groups who finance their political agendas with dirty money.  Like, say....the Kochs for instance.  I am a healthcare veteran and I can tell you from practical experience that there's a lot of money to be made in diagnostics. Sometimes they are vital to recovery but often it's just a a cover yo' ass kind of thing with the docs, thankyouverymuch personal injury attorneys.  Ambulance chasers are still alive and well and add substantially to the total dollar amount for your healthcare.

When Frist and HCA took on Terri Schiavo as a poster child for prolonging life, I just kind of gave up and went about my business.  Access to preventive care and education on healthy living is what is needed presently.  I remembered today when talking with BG about an appointment one time with a LTC insurance guy about options for the elderly.  During that meeting he asked me "what do you expect to gain from this?" That kind of took me by surprise but it was a long time ago and I was still in the lab rat box trying to get out. out.  I think I've found my way home.


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