Wednesday, November 16, 2022


FedEx delivered my new barn jacket in bright blue today.  I've ordered other things that I like the looks of because I have some money right now.  There was a Kroger order for, among other things, frozen purple hulls for Thanksgiving.  That is a staple on our thanksgiving table.  Back in the day they were hand picked, shelled and frozen from my daddy's patch.  Not so, anymore.  I miss that like, a lot.  I am not the farmer that he was.  I can preserve it and cook it but definitely not keep a garden going all summer.  Too many weeds here in the South.

I would like to have some chickens for fresh eggs but the coyotes would more than likely have them for a late night snack. Plus there is no roosting place for them.  I'm all about big dreams and no action.  Just sittin' here waiting for somebody else to do it for me.  It's just me now and I can't even manage to keep a flower bed alive through multiple droughts.  My kickass raised box is now a place for "the cat" to take a dump.  Better there than inside.  I hate litter boxes! Oscar does his business outside as well.  They are both ready to go poop and pee around seven so I let them out and go back to bed.  They sleep inside trading bed space and food.  I reckon when it gets really cold I'll have to improvise.

Part of my lifestyle now is making amends when I know that I have hurt someone with my actions or words.  Often I have told tales on this blog that, though I never called names, brought hurtful feelings to others. I apologize for that.  I ain't got a mean bone in my body but I do tend to write about my life.  I suppose I'll have to make it fiction from now on.

Be blessed and get that dressing made!

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