Tuesday, November 15, 2022

new tricks for an old dog

My friend came by last night and gave me a demonstration on how to use this putty stuff kind of like play dough on my ostomy appliance to help with leaks.  So far so good!  I have been pain free today.  He also gave me a belt and showed me how to hook the whole thing up.  I don't know many folks who can help with that sort of thing so I was glad for the advice.  He and his wife have been fast friends since around the time of that big ass surgery that changed my life.  She had to talk me out of leaving the nursing home AMA when I was having a "moment."  I hated everything about being there and only lasted 7 days in a room with a patient totally on life support.  There was a cranky old lady on the other side of the bathroom that kept locking it.  That was no problem for anybody but me, a new ostomate with a wound vac.  Lerd.

Once again I have left my phone elsewhere so I hope Sugardaddy doesn't try to call.  Maybe he'll leave a voicemail, ya' think?  I didn't realize it until I got almost home but I wasn't about to drive ten miles back to get it.  I rely on messenger in those cases.  I don't need the alarm because I wake up on my own.  Let's just pray that hatchet man doesn't pick me tonight.

I almost hit a deer the other day as she was crossing Lenox Nauvoo road and the guy behind me was right on my tail when I slammed on the brakes. It's a blessed thing his brakes were in good shape as well.  That would have been both a front AND rear hit to my car.  I can just see me and my passenger squished by airbags.  Neither of us weigh very much!

I'm about to get used to the cold but that doesn't mean I have to like it.  Usually after a deep freeze like this we get a warm spurt which is when I'll hit the pecans hot and heavy.  On my way home from town this morning I visited with Mr. Holmes who has staked his claim.  He's the only one with permission and Bubba patrols the area twice daily.

My quirks are forgetfulness and procrastination, among others.  Part of this is the distraction of running hither and yon and carrying everything in a big ass purse.  If the purse dumps, I'm crawling on the floorboard for the valuables.  Lauren and I have decided to have a hard candy Christmas and give all we've got to Reaves.  Five is a magical age for kids to believe in Santa and the magic of the season.  I have the nativity set laid out already for her to arrange.  It has been relocated to where "the cat" won't go wandering and break all the pieces.  Jesus would probably laugh!

Faith. Hope.Love^j^

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