Monday, November 21, 2022

the real deal

I'm gearing up to make cakes around here and I happened to remember back in the day when Mitzi Lou would give me some that her aunt had made with real vanilla beans and liquor.  You just can't beat it.  Sooooo, I hit her up for some and picked up a huge bottle today.  She giggled when she told me to take it easy with that stuff, and felt kind of embarrassed about being seen in a liquor store at 10AM buying some to start another batch of vanilla.  The beans are quite expensive and she said sometimes she reuses them.  Then it has to sit and simmer for a few months until you get full flavor from the bean.  That's what you call REAL vanilla extract kids.  

I feel really bad for those folks in New York buried in six feet of snow.  I bet there was not a loaf of bread or a half gallon of milk left in Buffalo grocery stores because they knew it was coming.  While talking with an old friend about this that and another and he schooled me on deer hunting and how their migration patterns have changed over the years, which was totally over my head.  We chatted about theology and grandkids and told each other Happy Thanksgiving.  I love friends like that, who tell you to "call if you need me" and mean it.

Patty shared some of her decadent fudge with me and that got shared,  This is the woman who volunteered to take me home last Funkmonsters after I had worked the door and actually had only two beers.  Better safe than sorry.  I can't see at night anyway.

Mamye just left me with a couple of pieces of pizza from the Grab and Go.  Most delicious!  And with that, I'm off to watch something totally mindless.  Y'all be safe ^j^

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