Wednesday, November 2, 2022

playing to win

Unlike most folks, I never buy lottery tickets.  With Powerball at 1.2 billion today I decided it was time to fork over a few bucks and take my chances.  I was asking the lady who sold it to me how to see if I won and she laughed.  "You'll probably win and you've never played before!"  If only. With my luck, if I won I'd get hit by a bus.  My friend Sue took me to a casino one time and declared me snakebit by the time the night was over.  We sat at the bar for a long time watching Memphis State basketball and flirting with the bartender.  I just don't get the thrill of pouring money into games like that, but I was on her dime so there ya' go.

Speaking of my dear departed friend Timmy D. he gifted me with a dog named Sam one time that was wayyyyy too rowdy for his daughter's apartment in Memphis.  Sammy D was a Jack Russell mix and just a young 'un when Tim and Amy pulled up in my yard with him.  Daddy's dog had just been killed and Sam needed a home so that was the plan.  Only it didn't work.  After one night Mom told me to come get him because it was "like having a stranger in the house."  We never had a house dog when I was growing up.  So Sam lived a long and happy life up on the hill with Butterbean and whatever lab I had at the time.  After Tim left "the company" he was traveling to Jackson for his next job and I would run into him at sixish up at the chicken store .  I had to be at work at 6 and often stopped there for a breakfast sammich'.  I would also run into Pierce White on his way back from the farm to the office.  That was back when Christine was still there and they had a total ass of a boss named James.  I called corporate on him for treating them like that and he eventually went away.  They have a super cool boss now named David.

The dust is flying again with the beans across the road being harvested.  I'm ready for all this to be over.  Bubba told me that Daylight Savings Time is going away following this "fall back."  I always thought it was to help out farmers but he said it was so kids didn't have to catch the school bus in the dark.  Live and learn.  

It's open season on supplement renewal so Bubba and I are comparing notes and chatting with Rick Brubaker at White and Associates.  I definitely pays to shop around and find the best deal.  I don't know who is paying for all those zero premiums but God love them.  Believe it or not, we are moving closer and closer to universal healthcare and you just KNOW that it's my dream.  Always has been.  I'm sick and tired of Big Pharm.  Hell, big anything.  Y'all can thank Bernie Sanders for all of the bounty.

Y'all be safe and brave.  And don't do anything stupid ^j^

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