Sunday, November 13, 2022

the good samaritan

I started my week off right with a couple of hours at church.  Our SS teacher Allison finished up her series on daily prayer and I now have a new regimen for morning noon and night.  I usually pray daily when I have a quiet moment that's not taken up with phone, emails and messages.  Overlooking the lake at Paradise is the ideal spot.  We watch the little fairies as they move across the water and every time it's magnificent.  It all depends on the wind and the sun.

To my surprise my good buddy, who is a Republican, congratulated us Dems on the Senate.  There were several high fives and hugs from my stealth liberal friends at church.  I know I know...separation of church and state.  To me it's all about true bi-partisanship.  You know like reaching across the aisle and  for the good of the people who elected you, no matter what party.  This business lately has been a shit show and when I see Trump going down in flames I wonder to myself why it took so long.  

I spent a lot of yesterday cooking.  I was craving RoTel dip so there was that plus a nice pork tenderloin for dinner.  With green peas and lots of leftovers.  I have to be in the mood because that involves intense concentration.  At this moment Rosie the cat is knocking around the wise men surrounding the ancient manger.  I see a big problem here with knocked over holy folks.

Y'all be safe and blessed.  And remember who you were meant to be  ^j^

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