Anybody? How about some musical name dropping. I'm sitting here with spotify at my fingertips and a whole lot of random thoughts jumbled up in my head. I've set up command central next to the front door so I can see the comings and goings on the lane. Out of habit, I slowed today on the way home to see how the pecans looked. Should be a good year.
The whole government mess is just disgusting and I feel sorry for poor Harry Reid trying to make sense of all that meanness as his swan song, more than likely. I trust the POTUS to carry through with what I see as a very valiant attempt not to let healthcare be a bargaining chip for young (mostly religious) zealots on fire for the Lord. I think that the disasters that we started noticing with terrorist activity since 9/11 are becoming more frequent as the years pass and with as much hatred as ever for the westerners. Jihad that up your everlovin' ass oh bearded one. You can kill me but you can't eat me.
The weather is gorgeous and getting cooler. The breeze is cleansing and seems to be ushering in the quiet season for a farm. No more cattle to be heard on frosty nights. I miss that a lot, believe it or not. My friend Yaya spent the night one time and she mooed back at them! She also fell off the elevated dance floor at our favorite hangout but that's a whole 'nother story. Love you more :) I turned fifty in style thanks to her and a bunch of other friends. Nobody's much celebrating being sixty-ish that I've noticed. It's when age becomes a number and you decide that the time is now to embrace the joy of living simply, with unconditional love for others in spite of cultural and religious difference. Down deep, we're all God's children.
My brother/friend Money Mike has been more than generous through the rough patches and I've learned to appreciate a very non-Christian type of spirituality in his Indian ways. By the way they had a typhoon over there but the death toll was low due to advance planning on "WHAT TO DO WHEN THE WORLD STARTS ENDING!" I know that's being tossed around a lot by the evangelicals but they like to put a hateful god spin on it and I can't keep my mouth shut with holier than thou types. But ya'll knew that, right?
I have piles still....many piles. They are mostly in the office area which is getting a bit cleaner. I read an online article today about how it's kind of mean to have a dog that's penned up all the time and not included with the family. The idgets down the road are the poster children for that kind of animal abuse. Then one of 'em dares to get loose the entire family runs after it through my yard. Truth? Stranger than fiction.
I saw a friend today who recently lost her dad and is having troubles with her mama and my first feeling was just to hug her. She's cute as a bug and is planning a trip with her hub and a lot of others including my brother. Kid Rock Cruise! If I could just find me a sugardaddy, I'd get to go on cruises too *wink*
This is the day that the lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
:) I hope all goes well with you, sweetie pie