Friday, October 11, 2013

a horse of course

Our horse Pride is no tellin' how old and ornery as hell. He got left here as a full grown dude probably 20 years ago and he's still running with the dogs. His most favorite thing used to be tearing down my daddy's raggedy patched barbed wire fences and wading out into the crops or my yard. That all changed when his pasture was cut by 2/3 and he is limited to the new fence surrounding the barn. Until last night.

I can always tell when the dogs go ape shit wild that it has something to do with something or somebody out of place. They're very territorial like that but wouldn't hurt a flea if you're a dog person and or my friend. It's been hilarious watching them get acquainted with Booger and his utter delight with puppy kisses. We have to supervise his visits with the cat because she has been known to flip her wig when she goes into a trance.

I saw Maria on Stewart and was totally aghast at the wisdom of this young woman. It helped me to see that we have it really easy here, all things considered. That's one reason why women's rights activists like me and some of you will march to the death for a sister and even for a brother who understands. I was born right smack in the middle of Wally Cleaver meets the Muppets and Captain Kangaroo. Remember Mr. Green Jeans?????I read Nancy Drew mysteries and Little House on the Prarie and still have those volumes somewhere.

Things are looking better and for that I am thankful to Big Ernie for hanging with me while we perform the most important picking job ever....our lives. It's been a joy to share with buyers the history of each piece and watch it be turned into something beautiful and collectible in its' own right. I have only one of Blog Fairy's peace signs left and haven't had an offer on it so it looks like somebody's Christmas gift. It's such a timely symbol for one who grew up in the strife that was Vietnam. To whomever is paying for the burial expenses of our soldiers, God bless you. I will long as I live, forget what that war did to young men my age who didn't have college as an option. Fourth of July sound familiar?

There's some sort of random shifting of gears as we settle in for a long winter's nap. The holidays are coming and I'm working most of them so whatever makes you say bah humbug. We haven't given gifts in several years choosing instead to buy new clothes keep the utility bill current. BG loves to shop and I hate it so that works well. She picks it out for me and it's done. She did the grocery shopping today and I hate that too. Onward Towanda!

I'm looking forward to my reunion because I haven't seen much of anybody lately except for you know who. We talked about that this morning how we have spent more time, lifewise, at work than at home. The cast changes but it's still the same story of saving lives and whatnot. MRSA got born about the same time docs were overusing the 'cillins to treat with. Bane or blessing, ya know?

I'm still sticking pins in my Boehner voodoo doll so maybe something will break before the Asians come and take us all for collateral on loans. I have to admit that I'm not really big on history and I kind of failed to notice the last time this happened but REALLY? Dudes..they hate us! All of us and our kind with our western ways and unlimited opportunity. The way that they have held us captive is through our greed to oil and all things considered therein. If Walden's pond is gone at least Henley tried to save it. There is a very big proposition on the table that would mean a Keystone pipeline as a center feeder for Alaskan riches. Sounds like something the Koch brothers would dream up.

I managed to squeeze in a mammogram today prior to a doctor's visit next week. Pap smears are every six months for me which is about twice as much as I'd like. So far it's been still low grade dysplasia. Not sure what happens when we go to high alert.


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