Monday, December 7, 2020

waste removal

I woke up in the middle of the night throwing up and having massive action in my bag.  Had to change it twice....half awake.  I let my client know that I had cooties and finally went back to sleep. It's actually a good thing I was here because the septic tank folks came out to clean the tank.  It was nothing but paper, and I don't use Charmin.  Bubba told me to put a couple of packs of powdered yeast in the toilet once a month to help with the breakdown.  Much cheaper than RidX.  So now you know.  

I'm still kind of queasy but made a run to pickup my Kroger order.  It's always a surprise to see what I actually come home with.  They substitute and run out of things but it beats going in the store.  I'm becoming quite agoraphobic about going into places with a lot of people.  

This house is a total wreck but I don't have it in me to do much today but rest and chill.  I got all misty eyed seeing Lauren's pictures of Reaves just now, one of which was by Gaga's snoopy tree.  GAWD....i love those girls so much.

I grew up in an era where you could leave your doors unlocked at night or when you were gone.  So far I haven't been robbed but I know a lot of people who have.  Thank the lort for security cameras.  If you don't have one, somebody nearby does.  

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