Tuesday, December 22, 2020

change of plans

Well we are moving to Plan B on the surgery due to some tricky business with the local surgery center.  Since it has not been five years since my last colonoscopy I will have to pay a 200 dollar "facility fee" for it which I don't have.  This one is considered diagnostic vs a routine exam for which I would be zero out of pocket.  Thus, the fee.  I just told them I'd have to put it off 'til after the first of the year.  I wasn't really liking the idea of doing the prep on a long Christmas weekend anyway.  I'd call that divine intervention.  

I did my first hands free call on the car today and it was quite the treat.  Worked like a charm.  My friend came out asking all kinds of questions about it yesterday to which I replied "I don't know??"  He instructed me to read that manual like the bible of transportation.  Yes sir!  It will take a minute to get used to all the bells and whistles.  The first day I had it there was rain and I couldn't figure out the wiper situation except to keep pushing it down.  

I'm gonna' try to find the star amongst all the trees in a few.  Everybody says you can see it with the "nekkid" eye.  Peace and love to you and yours.  

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