Saturday, December 21, 2019

the view

Mr. Holmes is old enough to be a Mr. to me and could outwork a team of teenagers on a good day.  He does all the tree work out here and has done a fantastic job.  The latest project involves cutting off the giant pecan limbs that lie over crop land and power wires.  They are known to drop off even without a wind.  Dyersburg Electric will be happy too.

I ran out to see Yaya and her kids and they were getting ready for a joint birthday party over at Carney's.  Her house is like mine which makes me feel more normal....we're just wired that way.  As we make our merry way through each day we see squirrels and drop whatever it was we had planned to do.  Friends since early childhood, me and her entire family.  We used to hang out a lot in our rowdy days.  Now we're just grandmas in love with the tribe.

Things seemed pretty calm around the 'burg considering that Christmas is just days away.  I am so glad to be snug in my house with the dogs.  And cat.  Yaya is a cat lady from way back and she has two now.  I remember housesitting for her with the notorious Putin checking me out the whole time.  He was not amused that Mama was gone.  

She lost two chocolate labs before I did and I never really understood until Faith died.  There's just something about those eyes that grabs your heart.  

I'm thinking that the shepherds are getting closer to the stable by now so I moved them up.  Patti Lou taught me that trick.  Let's just all get well before we give Baby Jesus the flu.


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