Monday, April 29, 2019

strange dilemma

If you're like me and you go to the grocery story on an empty stomach you buy everything in sight.  I'm still recovering from that nasty bout of diverticulitis and all I could do was look for things that were bland and that I thought I could choke down.   You gotta eat.  While there I saw several friends including nurse Kathy and Dr JR.  He asked me to run up there and get a chem panel on 3N!  I told him if I wasn't retired I sure would.  He is such a kind and generous man that the one time he yelled at me I cried and thought I was not worthy.  He was just frustrated, like the rest of us.  I am so glad to not be up in all that drama.

That's about all I will accomplish today and it wore me out.  The steps to my house are enough to kill a horse and hauling most anything up them is marginally risky at best.  The older I get the more this will become a factor.  Thank goodness I have rails in front and back.  My iris and clematis are beginning to bloom but not quite on the peonies. They're my favorite.  

I'm having Reaves withdrawals like, bad.  Now that she's in daycare it's a whole lot more complicated.  Her mama, daddy and bonus mom keep me supplied with pictures.  I know my parents are getting a heavenly kick out of this and glowing with pride over their oldest granddaughter.  Lauren was an only child AND the only grandchild until she was in her twenties.  Talk about spoiled rotten.

As soon as it is available I will be sharing the flyer from my friend Julie's show.  She is the one who did Reaves' portrait.  Please follow her work and give support.  She is extremely talented and could use a break like all the rest of us.

Y'all play nice.  And if you can't SAY something nice, keep your trap shut.


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