Saturday, December 29, 2018

as the world turns

My paternal grandmother Lottie was a religious viewer of "her stories."  That's the only one I remember from back in the day.  Heck, it may still be on.  The only one I ever watched was Days of our Lives, all the way back to when the grandparents on that show were alive.  Sometimes when I'm at Lauren's that is on and I don't know who anybody is anymore except for Hope.  I remember the twins back in the day, one evil and one good.  And of course Victor and Bo.  

Fast forward to now where I watch nothing but Netflix and Hulu and get my news online.  FB has me pegged as a liberal so my feed contains a lot of pieces that are critical of Trump.  This doesn't sway my feelings a bit.  As I said before, critical thinking is a must.  On the flip side just imagine what the FB conservative feed looks like!  I don't even want to know.

This is what I know, or believe.  The government shutdown is a power play that is hurting millions of Americans. This is not Nancy Pelosi's fault.  She is not POTUS and did not make the decision.  She also did not cave, nor did Schumer, to the demands of an out of control president on a mission.  Listen closely to those outgoing Congressional seats.  They are speaking their truths to us as they exit the mess.  They have been in the trenches with this presidency and it hasn't been pretty.  There are plenty of Republicans speaking their minds now that they aren't beholden to the party.  None of this has to do with Hillary or Obama or Dubya et al.  That is history and this is now and it looks scary to me.  I do have faith that there is some bright spot in our future but it takes daily prayer to keep that in focus.  

I saw one of my clients today and we watched dogs on TV and discovered that we have animal love in common.  She wants me to bring Sam, the only calm one, to see her and lay by her feet.  Gotta get him a collar first so I can use the leash.  Ellie's collar came off when I gave her the first bath here and it smelled like skunk, still.  Thank God I'm a country girl.

Peace, be still ~

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