Friday, November 9, 2018

expanded horizons

I cannot tell a lie.  It took me nine months to get over leaving a lifelong career and shoulder surgery to get to the point where I can actually plan things and have a life outside of this house.  I slept a lot during those months, recharging my tired old body but not really rehabbing it after I stopped MFR with Gay.  I started by having lunch with friends and doing one thing different every day.  Truth be known, I was finding out who I really am.  It's about time at 63.

I'm a mother and grandmother of course.  Those girls are my heart even though I don't see them much.  Thank goodness for Facebook!  Speaking of which, Lauren should get her new phone today to replace the one she left on top of the car and ran over.  UCMTSU.  I did that with my wallet one time and luckily it was still there when I went back.  

I have many friends.  Some of them are new and others old as dirt.  I learned long ago that friends are in your life regularly for a certain season but they're still friends as time passes and you don't spend as much time together.  The bond is always there.  

I've always been a writer and being unemployed gave me time to explore my talents.  I became a staff writer for a periodical which is a long story so I digress.  That experience has given me confidence as a writer outside of Pecan Lane.  I have explored write for pay sites on the innerwebs and that's a lot of stuff to wade through but I've touched base with a few.  We shall see.  

Lately my journey has taken me to a physical fitness spot with customized training from instructors who love what they do.  Amy and Natalie are the bomb!  I'm sore a lot but I feel my body strengthening.  

I'm learning to take care of household details in a somewhat timely fashion.  Today I replaced the heat lamp and threw a concrete block on top of the pump house.  I'ts dripping faucets time in Tennessee.  I love to read but have gotten into that social media thing where you don't actually allow down time.  I got a new library card today and picked up a Janet Evanovich that I have not read.  Stephanie is my hero. Oh, and Lula of course.

If you are a House of Cards fan I won't do a spoiler but I will say that the ending was, though predictable, very disturbing.  Shhhhhh.  

Joy ~

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