Wednesday, April 8, 2020

wednesday update

I went to three different stores looking for alcohol and sanitizing wipes.  People just  I've been out of the wipes for several days and depend on them to care for my colostomy bag.  Meanwhile, some idiot has a whole closet full somewhere and will never use them all.  My friend Lorna told me how to make hand sanitizer with aloe vera juice and alcohol so whenver the alcohol shows back up I'm ready.  I do have a bottle left over from the Funk Monster party back in November.  

My heart is broken over the death of the legendary musical hero John Prine.  Always remember, your flag decal won't get you into heaven anymore.  This man was the epitomy of true grit and the working class.  He stood up against injustice not only with music but with his life.  That's a pretty cool legacy.  

I will ride in style with KayKay to this Sunday's Easter service,  I didn't go last week because my radio doesn't work.  Imagine that.  Not even the virus will stop the faithful from worship.  Wonder how many of those Easter/Christmas folks will show up since nobody can see their dresses.  I know that's snarky but it is what it is.  

Nobody knew at the beginning of Lent just how much we would be giving up.  I got ashed and attended one more service before the whole thing got shut down. I totally understand safety first.  Seriously.  But some folks are just stupid.  My brother told of seeing a man haul his groceries out to the car wearing gloves which he had touched everything he bought with, didn't take them off and proceeded to drive off still wearing the gloves.  Dude, please.  Wear your mask and all but change the dang gloves.  It ain't rocket science...just plain common sense.

I read this morning that another victim of COVID 19 is the little girl for whom Charlotte's Web was named.  She went from mulitple seizures a day to one or two a month once she got the proper medicine which was low dose THC.  Tell me that's not a miracle!

If I were one to sun bathe, which I'm not, today would be the day.  It's supposed to break 80 degrees and in a couple of days we'll have a low of 39.  Honey please.  Tennessee is a wonderland of changing weather.  

Y'all be safe and happy and kind.  Love ya'....mean it.

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