Sunday, April 26, 2020

on the road again

I was just beginning to start short walks when this butt incident put the brakes on that.  Tomorrow it will be two weeks and I've got a long way to go but I refuse to give up.  I do have a stubborn streak in me like my daddy's.  He is sending me birds daily as a reminder.  I have never seen a squirrel before up close and personal but I was able to observe one furry little dude hanging outside the bathroom window.  I watched in wonder as he shook that tail and searched for something.  

Today's sermon was a true blessing.  As Easter Sunday plus two weeks came,  the scripture was my favorite.  Travelers on the road to Emmaus were joined by Jesus only they didn't know it was him.  They gave him a factual account of the miracle that had happened and invited  him for supper where he revealed himself to them.  Mary Beth urged us all to spend this downtime seeking quiet time with God instead of fretting.  Yes, everybody is half crazy with worry and cabin fever.  Incomes are reduced or gone.  We haven't flattened the curve.  I am a solitary soul by nature so it's not that big of a deal personally.  I rarely eat out choosing my food to go or eat in the car which is what EVERYbody is doing now.  

When I was in the hospital in January I distinctly remember watching Wuhan turn into a nightmare that spread to us.  I also watched most of the end of the impeachment, until I got bored with the grandstanding.  The road from there to here has been as long as my chinny whiskers.  I feel my age in not being able to bounce back as quickly.  I have to keep reminding myself that I am only three months post-op from a YUGE surgical intervention that saved my life.  Therefore, I am still here for a reason.  

I gave myself to God the night I almost wrecked on the way to the ER that first time.  Death was staring me in the face in the form of a giant embankment and deep ditch.  That's when Jesus took the wheel and pulled me away from that scenario.  It wasn't my time or way to go.  Not on that beloved road that I have driven and walked a million times.  And not even from emergency surgery two weeks later.  I am present and in the moment which is pretty scary.  Nobody knows what will happen next as much as we bitch, moan and worry.  That's when it's time to turn it over.  If you are present and in good health, take this as a wakeup call to slow down in your travels from here to there, quickly and not noticing details.  Live in the moment ^j^

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