Monday, April 20, 2020

rim shot

I was one of the managers of Terry Glovers superstar junior high basketball team.  I wasn't much on playing per se, just hanging with the cool kids.  March madness used to be my favorite time of the year.  I even won a board one time when Gonzaga shocked the socks off of everybody by coming out of nowhere.  I have a lot of respect for roundball players in particular because of the complexity involved with making a shot.  That is a skill I have honed during four months of being a semi-invalid.  I can hit a garbage can almost 100% of the time if I'm close enough.  I suppose that is one of many lessons I've learned.

I think it bears noting that Kentucky has seen a sharp rise in cases due to all that mingling and protesting.  This is what will happen to all of us if we open up too soon.  The proposed guidlines for reopen are to have no new cases for 14 days.  We are a looooong way from that.  I am just as bored and stressed and inconvenienced as the rest of you.  But I am also a scientist and I respect what it can teach us.  We lost a whole month in stemming the tide on this thing.  Doesn't matter whose fault it was, it just happened.  Hospitals are still begging for PPE while being blocked by agitators from doing their jobs.  

Against my better judgement I waited for an hour to see Trump deliver his press briefing.  NPR was set to broadcast at the appointed time and he strolled in 60 minutes late.  It didn't take long for me to get enough of the jibberish and move on.  I don't normally watch but I was curious.  Curious to see if he had gotten a grip on what is really happening.  He does not.  

I have been shown a lot of kindness through others lately which lets me know that a loving god is at work in the midst of the chaos.  People have slowed down enough to notice who needs help.  If I get out, which has only been twice since the fall, I take a cane with me.  Twice in a week employees at Dodge's have noticed that I needed help and two checkers rounded up two guys to help me out.  James and David,  corporate will most def get a commendation from me that mentions you both.  Add to that an offer of fresh crappie filets from a friend and you have a good start on a good day.  

My whiskers are so long I may have to shave!  Nah, I think I'll just wait and join the stampede when Headlines opens up.  I could care less about hair as long as it's clean.  The moustache and beard really bother me.  I don't notice it until I'm in the car with the mirror and OMG.  I am still on a learning curve with the bag and changing and emptying it more efficiently.  A lot of this has been figuring a strategy.  One thing I have learned is to have perfectly dry skin when applying the wafer or it will leak.  Like this morning. 

I spotted my first clematis and iris blooms in the yard today. I am such a sucker for beautiful things in nature.  Often I sit and watch hawks circling the fields for prey.  Other times I can sit on the porch and listen to the birds.  I especially love the calming sound of a dove's call.  

We will get through this but it won't be easy.  Everybody has to play nice and be smart about it.  Someday, it will be a memory of epic proportions like "where were you on 9/11.  But there will always be tragedy and pain.  And the only way to survive, is to trudge on through the desert with a half assed smile and a good sense of humor.  Don't be mean.  That's an official order from Kristen Hampton of "be a flashlight" fame.

Namaste ~


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