Sunday, August 9, 2020

walk humbly

I know a lot of people who do really great things and though I am non-judgmental, I can usually spot somone who is truly altruistic vs the ones who do things to get attention.  If you can't do it randomly by paying forward, just don't do it.  The main example of this in my life is blog fairy.  He or she blessed me anonymously for two years when I needed it most. Others have done it as well.  And so, I try to do the next right thing.

I have been getting the blue screen of death from Windows and went to my friend's house this morning to get him to check it out.  He gets it on his too but his doesn't reboot as quickly as mine.  We looked and researched and talked with Debbie.  He is one smart man but couldn't figure this one out for either of us.  So he headed out to work in the yard and Debbie and I visited for a minute.  After that, I headed to another friend's house for bit and got a big hug.  We are polar opposites politically but manage to get past that.  I love it when that happens.

After checking the garden I quickly retreated into the house and AC.  I knew the cool spell was too good to be true but it sure was nice while it lasted.  We are dry as a bone here on the hill.  The grass ain't growing as fast as it was so there's that to be thankful for.  I'm looking forward to dead spots soon.  And paying Mayberry for his service this year!  And propane guy!

Y'all be happy and healthy.  And wear your damn mask ^j^



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