Wednesday, August 19, 2020

man up

I am a very direct personality who skips the bullshit and goes straight to the heart of the matter.  It usually serves me well because I know where I stand and respect folks who are straightforward and honest.  I don't play games.  That being said, not everybody is like that.  Passive aggressive behavior bothers me a lot and I can spot it a mile away because ,well, I just can.  And I will definitely not let anybody steal my joy.  

The loves of my life are, and always will be, Lauren and Reaves.  I have several friends going through hard times right now and it's complicated due to COVID which, by the way, is gonna' get worse before it gets better.  Anybody with half a lick of sense can see that the first wave never stopped because of the easing of restrictions.  Little bitty Dyer county has 751 cases and 9 deaths.  I noticed that the drive through at the health department has opened back up and there was a line today when I passed by.  It is real, people.  And not wearing a mask is a very obvious show of disrespect.  And cover your nose too dammit!

I was over the summer gardening so I pulled out the big stuff and now have just herbs.  Of course there will be plenty of leaves to mulch with soon so there you go.  I've already noticed a subtle change in tree colors and leaves on the ground.  And the long shadows of course.

Happy hump day y'all.  Remember who you are and keep the faith ^j^

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