Saturday, August 1, 2020

and then there were four

That little bird on the back porch has been busy and now has four eggs waiting to hatch.  I can't tell what kind she is because she flies off quickly when I open the door.  It's the circle of life live and in person.

I have been dizzy headed off and on for about a month.  It comes on suddenly and I had to have help getting up the steps to a friend's house today.  We checked my BP which was "normal" but being normal sometimes makes me feel weak.  What's a girl to do?  Keep trudging!

Now that the heat has backed off I'm going to walk some more and try to get my strength back for the upcoming surgery.  I haven't even sorted out the mess from the first one so who the heck knows.  Life shouldn't be that complicated, ya know?  You're need affordable treatment and insurance that plays nice.   My experience this year with the marketplace has been a total disaster that I have yet to figure out.  

Y'all wear that mask and stay six feet apart.  Cuz the CDC said so and I do too.  This crap is real and getting worse and there is NO leadership.  The scientists on board are largely being ignored by a lot of people.  It's really ironic that prior to this year if you went into a store with a mask on you were a robber.  Now it's required.  

I'm having computer problems again so I installed a cheap utility to see if it would help.  Something is going on with windows too.  I am so not tech savvy but I do well for an old gal.

Don't worry, be happy ^j^

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