Thursday, January 29, 2015


As we all know it's Thursday but I've been throwing back with old pictures all week so I'll pass on that one. It's too much trouble to hook up the damn scanner plus it's cold and it's ladies night. PLUS babygirl is cooking! She gave me this candle for Christmas that smells like caramel and I dug it out of the jar and still burn that stuff every day. Caramel cayenne maybe? Since it's almost payday and there might be some left I got some organic coconut oil at a twofer price plus there's beer and peppermint scented epsom salts and Voila!...perfect evening. Low maintenance has my picture on Wiki. Go Google it if you don't believe me.

So I talked to my "here's the thing" therapist today only to find that he's retired and wishes us well but his hands are full with grandchildren. As an LCSW contracted with EAP he guided us through some very tough times over the years. He gave me a name for a friend in need and off he went to play with the baby. That's what's up y'all. Screw Benghazi and Iraq and the two party system and Fred freakin' Phelps and ISIL?S. At the rate the destruction of our earth is going none of that will matter because nobody can afford to travel. The science is real and the people who deny that are ill advised. Carbon emissions are deadly to both flora and fauna. I finally understand that right at the time gas is a buck eightyish. Just.My.Luck.

I tried calling Mama before the news but her line was busy and I know better than to call the house phone anywhere in the vicinity of 4PM. I understand now that my father's rigid schedule including the news is an attempt to control a situation that is about to be out of his ADL skill set, so to speak. Truth be told, it already is. We are one more hospital visit away from life as we will have to figure out. A dear friend is dealing with her own situation that involves an elderly mother in her home who needs help while she's working. It's hard to know who to trust in those situations and that's why I'm glad Lori is on board with us. A mutual friend of ours stopped by yesterday and we talked farm history. Seems as if his grandaddy was the crazy part Indian guy who lived in a school bus across from PecanLane. His memories were all of kerosene and gas. He's amazed the bus didn't blow up. Martin was a horse man by trade and I remember looking at him in awe for his bizarre lifestyle. Small world.

Somebody is gonna have a beautiful home when the remodel down the road is done and I hope it's somebody who won't complain about my dogs or the occasional grass fire. If they're nice I'll share some fresh asparagus. I'm counting the days y'all. Counting the days! Call your mother unless it will confuse her more and if that's the case just celebrate another day in paradise.

Carry on~

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